On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 01:55:37PM -0700, David Miller wrote:
> Anything, I do mean anything, can be simulated using small test
> programs.  Pointing at a big fancy machine with lots of storage
> and disk is a passive aggressive way to avoid the real issues,
> in that nobody is putting forth the effort to try and come up
> with an at least publishable test case that Christoph can use to
> help you guys.
> If coming up with a reproducable and publishable test case is
> the difference between this getting fixed and it not getting
> fixed, are you going to invest the time to do that?

If that's what it takes, then yes.  But I'm far from convinced that
it's as easy to come up with a TPC benchmark simulator as you think.
There have been efforts in the past (orasim, for example), but
presumably Christoph has already tried these benchmarks.

Intel are signing my paycheques ... these opinions are still mine
"Bill, look, we understand that you're interested in selling us this
operating system, but compare it to ours.  We can't possibly take such
a retrograde step."
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