Patch for enhacement of w1_therm module. Adding bulk read support.
Sending a 'trigger' command in the dedicated sysfs entry of the bus master
device send a conversion command for all the slaves on the bus. The sysfs
entry is added as soon as at least one device supporting this feature
is detected on the bus.

A strong pull up is apply on the line if at least one device required it.
The duration of the pull up is the max time required by a device on the
line, which depends on the resolution settings of each device. The strong
pull up could be adjust with the a module parameter.

Updating documentation in Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-driver-w1_therm
and Documentation/w1/slaves/w1_therm.rst

Signed-off-by: Akira Shimahara <>
 .../ABI/testing/sysfs-driver-w1_therm         |  36 ++-
 Documentation/w1/slaves/w1_therm.rst          |  50 +++-
 drivers/w1/slaves/w1_therm.c                  | 217 +++++++++++++++++-
 drivers/w1/slaves/w1_therm.h                  |  47 ++++
 4 files changed, 335 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-driver-w1_therm 
index 39488a4..1f911ed 100644
--- a/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-driver-w1_therm
+++ b/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-driver-w1_therm
@@ -61,9 +61,16 @@ Date:                Apr 2020
 Contact:       Akira Shimahara <>
                (RO) return the temperature in 1/1000 degC.
-               Note that the conversion duration depend on the resolution (if
-               device support this feature). It takes 94ms in 9bits
-               resolution, 750ms for 12bits.
+                       * If a bulk read has been triggered, it will directly
+                       return the temperature computed when the bulk read
+                       occurred, if available. If not yet available, nothing
+                       is returned (a debug kernel message is sent), you
+                       should retry later on.
+                       * If no bulk read has been triggered, it will trigger
+                       a conversion and send the result. Note that the
+                       conversion duration depend on the resolution (if
+                       device support this feature). It takes 94ms in 9bits
+                       resolution, 750ms for 12bits.
 Users:         any user space application which wants to communicate with
                w1_term device
@@ -84,4 +91,25 @@ Description:
                refer to Documentation/w1/slaves/w1_therm.rst for detailed
 Users:         any user space application which wants to communicate with
-               w1_term device
\ No newline at end of file
+               w1_term device
+What:          /sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_masterXX/therm_bulk_read
+Date:          Apr 2020
+Contact:       Akira Shimahara <>
+               (RW) trigger a bulk read conversion. read the status
+               *read*:
+                       * `-1`: conversion in progress on at least 1 sensor
+                       * `1` : conversion complete but at least one sensor
+                               value has not been read yet
+                       * `0` : no bulk operation. Reading temperature will
+                               trigger a conversion on each device
+               *write*: `trigger`: trigger a bulk read on all supporting
+                       devices on the bus
+               Note that if a bulk read is sent but one sensor is not read
+               immediately, the next access to temperature on this device
+               will return the temperature measured at the time of issue
+               of the bulk read command (not the current temperature).
+Users:         any user space application which wants to communicate with
+               w1_term device
diff --git a/Documentation/w1/slaves/w1_therm.rst 
index 82e8ffe..06eaff1 100644
--- a/Documentation/w1/slaves/w1_therm.rst
+++ b/Documentation/w1/slaves/w1_therm.rst
@@ -26,20 +26,31 @@ W1_THERM_DS1825             0x3B
 W1_THERM_DS28EA00      0x42
 ====================   ====
-Support is provided through the sysfs w1_slave file.  Each open and
+Support is provided through the sysfs w1_slave file. Each open and
 read sequence will initiate a temperature conversion then provide two
-lines of ASCII output.  The first line contains the nine hex bytes
+lines of ASCII output. The first line contains the nine hex bytes
 read along with a calculated crc value and YES or NO if it matched.
-If the crc matched the returned values are retained.  The second line
+If the crc matched the returned values are retained. The second line
 displays the retained values along with a temperature in millidegrees
 Centigrade after t=.
-Parasite powered devices are limited to one slave performing a
-temperature conversion at a time.  If none of the devices are parasite
-powered it would be possible to convert all the devices at the same
-time and then go back to read individual sensors.  That isn't
-currently supported.  The driver also doesn't support reduced
-precision (which would also reduce the conversion time) when reading values.
+Alternatively, temperature can be read using temperature sysfs, it
+return only temperature in millidegrees Centigrade.
+A bulk read of all devices on the bus could be done writing 'trigger'
+in the therm_bulk_read sysfs entry at w1_bus_master level. This will
+sent the convert command on all devices on the bus, and if parasite
+powered devices are detected on the bus (and strong pullup is enable
+in the module), it will drive the line high during the longer conversion
+time required by parasited powered device on the line. Reading
+therm_bulk_read will return 0 if no bulk conversion pending,
+-1 if at least one sensor still in conversion, 1 if conversion is complete
+but at least one sensor value has not been read yet. Result temperature is
+then accessed by reading the temperature sysfs entry of each device, which
+may return empty if conversion is still in progress. Note that if a bulk
+read is sent but one sensor is not read immediately, the next access to
+temperature on this device will return the temperature measured at the
+time of issue of the bulk read command (not the current temperature).
 Writing a value between 9 and 12 to the sysfs w1_slave file will change the
 precision of the sensor for the next readings. This value is in (volatile)
@@ -49,6 +60,27 @@ To store the current precision configuration into EEPROM, 
the value 0
 has to be written to the sysfs w1_slave file. Since the EEPROM has a limited
 amount of writes (>50k), this command should be used wisely.
+Alternatively, resolution can be set or read (value from 9 to 12) using the
+dedicated resolution sysfs entry on each device. This sysfs entry is not
+present for devices not supporting this feature. Driver will adjust the
+correct conversion time for each device regarding to its resolution setting.
+In particular, strong pullup will be applied if required during the conversion
+The write-only sysfs entry eeprom is an alternative for EEPROM operations:
+  * `save`: will save device RAM to EEPROM
+  * `restore`: will restore EEPROM data in device RAM.
+ext_power syfs entry allow tho check the power status of each device.
+  * `0`: device parasite powered
+  * `1`: device externally powered
+sysfs alarms allow read or write TH and TL (Temperature High an Low) alarms.
+Values shall be space separated and in the device range (typical -55 degC
+to 125 degC). Values are integer as they are store in a 8bit register in
+the device. Lowest value is automatically put to TL.Once set, alarms could
+be search at master level.
 The module parameter strong_pullup can be set to 0 to disable the
 strong pullup, 1 to enable autodetection or 2 to force strong pullup.
 In case of autodetection, the driver will use the "READ POWER SUPPLY"
diff --git a/drivers/w1/slaves/w1_therm.c b/drivers/w1/slaves/w1_therm.c
index db75048..42b21fe 100644
--- a/drivers/w1/slaves/w1_therm.c
+++ b/drivers/w1/slaves/w1_therm.c
@@ -67,6 +67,15 @@ module_param_named(strong_pullup, w1_strong_pullup, int, 0);
  *     . 'restore'     :       restore EEPROM data in device RAM
  *                             (device do that automatically on power-up)
+ * therm_bulk_read (RW): Attribute at master level
+ *     . 'trigger' : trigger a bulk read on all supporting device on the bus
+ *  read value:
+ *     . -1 : conversion is in progress in 1 or more sensor
+ *     .  1 : conversion complete but at least one sensor has not been read
+ *     .  0 : no bulk operation. Reading temp will trigger a conversion
+ * caveat : if a bulk read is sent but one sensor is not read immediately,
+ *     the next access to temperature will return the temperature measured
+ *     at the time of issue of the bulk read command
  * alarms (RW) : read TH and TL (Temperature High an Low) alarms
  *     Values shall be space separated and in the device range
@@ -225,6 +234,7 @@ static struct w1_therm_family_converter w1_therm_families[] 
= {
                .set_resolution = NULL, // no config register
                .get_resolution = NULL, // no config register
                .write_data             = w1_DS18S20_write_data,
+               .bulk_read              = true
                .f                      = &w1_therm_family_DS1822,
@@ -233,6 +243,7 @@ static struct w1_therm_family_converter w1_therm_families[] 
= {
                .set_resolution         = w1_DS18B20_set_resolution,
                .get_resolution         = w1_DS18B20_get_resolution,
                .write_data             = w1_DS18B20_write_data,
+               .bulk_read              = true
                .f                      = &w1_therm_family_DS18B20,
@@ -241,6 +252,7 @@ static struct w1_therm_family_converter w1_therm_families[] 
= {
                .set_resolution         = w1_DS18B20_set_resolution,
                .get_resolution         = w1_DS18B20_get_resolution,
                .write_data             = w1_DS18B20_write_data,
+               .bulk_read              = true
                .f                      = &w1_therm_family_DS28EA00,
@@ -249,6 +261,7 @@ static struct w1_therm_family_converter w1_therm_families[] 
= {
                .set_resolution         = w1_DS18B20_set_resolution,
                .get_resolution         = w1_DS18B20_get_resolution,
                .write_data             = w1_DS18B20_write_data,
+               .bulk_read              = false
                .f                      = &w1_therm_family_DS1825,
@@ -257,6 +270,7 @@ static struct w1_therm_family_converter w1_therm_families[] 
= {
                .set_resolution         = w1_DS18B20_set_resolution,
                .get_resolution         = w1_DS18B20_get_resolution,
                .write_data             = w1_DS18B20_write_data,
+               .bulk_read              = true
@@ -420,6 +434,18 @@ static inline bool bus_mutex_lock(struct mutex *lock)
        return true;
+static inline bool bulk_read_support(struct w1_slave *sl)
+       if (SLAVE_SPECIFIC_FUNC(sl))
+               return SLAVE_SPECIFIC_FUNC(sl)->bulk_read;
+       dev_info(&sl->dev,
+               "%s: Device not supported by the driver\n", __func__);
+       return false;  /* No device family */
 static inline int conversion_time(struct w1_slave *sl)
        if (SLAVE_SPECIFIC_FUNC(sl))
@@ -469,6 +495,24 @@ static int w1_therm_add_slave(struct w1_slave *sl)
                return -ENODEV;
        SLAVE_SPECIFIC_FUNC(sl) = sl_family_conv;
+       if (bulk_read_support(sl)) {
+               /* add the sys entry to trigger bulk_read
+                * at master level only the 1st time
+                */
+               if (!bulk_read_device_counter) {
+                       int err = device_create_file(&sl->master->dev,
+                               &dev_attr_therm_bulk_read);
+                       if (err)
+                               dev_warn(&sl->dev,
+                               "%s: Device has been added, but bulk read is 
unavailable. err=%d\n",
+                               __func__, err);
+               }
+               /* Increment the counter */
+               bulk_read_device_counter++;
+       }
        /* Getting the power mode of the device {external, parasite}*/
        SLAVE_POWERMODE(sl) = read_powermode(sl);
@@ -491,6 +535,9 @@ static int w1_therm_add_slave(struct w1_slave *sl)
+       /* Finally initialize convert_triggered flag */
        return 0;
@@ -498,6 +545,14 @@ static void w1_therm_remove_slave(struct w1_slave *sl)
        int refcnt = atomic_sub_return(1, THERM_REFCNT(sl->family_data));
+       if (bulk_read_support(sl)) {
+               bulk_read_device_counter--;
+               /* Delete the entry if no more device support the feature */
+               if (!bulk_read_device_counter)
+                       device_remove_file(&sl->master->dev,
+                               &dev_attr_therm_bulk_read);
+       }
        while (refcnt) {
                refcnt = atomic_read(THERM_REFCNT(sl->family_data));
@@ -813,6 +868,94 @@ error:
        return ret;
+static int trigger_bulk_read(struct w1_master *dev_master)
+       struct w1_slave *sl = NULL; /* used to iterate through slaves */
+       int max_trying = W1_THERM_MAX_TRY;
+       int t_conv = 0;
+       int ret = -ENODEV;
+       bool strong_pullup = false;
+       /* Check whether there are parasite powered device on the bus,
+        * and compute duration of conversion for these devices
+        * so we can apply a strong pullup if required
+        */
+       list_for_each_entry(sl, &dev_master->slist, w1_slave_entry) {
+               if (!sl->family_data)
+                       goto error;
+               if (bulk_read_support(sl)) {
+                       int t_cur = conversion_time(sl);
+                       t_conv = t_cur > t_conv ? t_cur : t_conv;
+                       strong_pullup = strong_pullup ||
+                                       (w1_strong_pullup == 2 ||
+                                       (!SLAVE_POWERMODE(sl) &&
+                                       w1_strong_pullup));
+               }
+       }
+       /* t_conv is the max conversion time required on the bus
+        * If its 0, no device support the bulk read feature
+        */
+       if (!t_conv)
+               goto error;
+       if (!bus_mutex_lock(&dev_master->bus_mutex)) {
+               ret = -EAGAIN;  // Didn't acquire the mutex
+               goto error;
+       }
+       while ((max_trying--) && (ret < 0)) { /* ret should be either 0 */
+               if (!w1_reset_bus(dev_master)) {        /* Just reset the bus */
+                       unsigned long sleep_rem;
+                       w1_write_8(dev_master, W1_SKIP_ROM);
+                       if (strong_pullup)      /* Apply pullup if required */
+                               w1_next_pullup(dev_master, t_conv);
+                       w1_write_8(dev_master, W1_CONVERT_TEMP);
+                       /* set a flag to instruct that converT pending */
+                       list_for_each_entry(sl,
+                               &dev_master->slist, w1_slave_entry) {
+                               if (bulk_read_support(sl))
+                                       SLAVE_CONVERT_TRIGGERED(sl) = -1;
+                       }
+                       if (strong_pullup) { /*some device need pullup */
+                               sleep_rem = msleep_interruptible(t_conv);
+                               if (sleep_rem != 0) {
+                                       ret = -EINTR;
+                                       goto mt_unlock;
+                               }
+                               mutex_unlock(&dev_master->bus_mutex);
+                       } else {
+                               mutex_unlock(&dev_master->bus_mutex);
+                               sleep_rem = msleep_interruptible(t_conv);
+                               if (sleep_rem != 0) {
+                                       ret = -EINTR;
+                                       goto set_flag;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       ret = 0;
+                       goto set_flag;
+               }
+       }
+       mutex_unlock(&dev_master->bus_mutex);
+       /* set a flag to register convsersion is done */
+       list_for_each_entry(sl, &dev_master->slist, w1_slave_entry) {
+               if (bulk_read_support(sl))
+                       SLAVE_CONVERT_TRIGGERED(sl) = 1;
+       }
+       return ret;
 /*------------------------Interface sysfs--------------------------*/
 static ssize_t w1_slave_show(struct device *device,
@@ -824,7 +967,20 @@ static ssize_t w1_slave_show(struct device *device,
        int ret, i;
        ssize_t c = PAGE_SIZE;
-       ret = convert_t(sl, &info);
+       if (bulk_read_support(sl)) {
+               if (SLAVE_CONVERT_TRIGGERED(sl) < 0) {
+                       dev_dbg(device,
+                               "%s: Conversion in progress, retry later\n",
+                               __func__);
+                       return 0;
+               } else if (SLAVE_CONVERT_TRIGGERED(sl) > 0) {
+                       /* A bulk read has been issued, read the device RAM */
+                       ret = read_scratchpad(sl, &info);
+                       SLAVE_CONVERT_TRIGGERED(sl) = 0;
+               } else
+                       ret = convert_t(sl, &info);
+       } else
+               ret = convert_t(sl, &info);
        if (ret < 0) {
@@ -905,7 +1061,20 @@ static ssize_t temperature_show(struct device *device,
                return 0;  /* No device family */
-       ret = convert_t(sl, &info);
+       if (bulk_read_support(sl)) {
+               if (SLAVE_CONVERT_TRIGGERED(sl) < 0) {
+                       dev_dbg(device,
+                               "%s: Conversion in progress, retry later\n",
+                               __func__);
+                       return 0;
+               } else if (SLAVE_CONVERT_TRIGGERED(sl) > 0) {
+                       /* A bulk read has been issued, read the device RAM */
+                       ret = read_scratchpad(sl, &info);
+                       SLAVE_CONVERT_TRIGGERED(sl) = 0;
+               } else
+                       ret = convert_t(sl, &info);
+       } else
+               ret = convert_t(sl, &info);
        if (ret < 0) {
@@ -1138,6 +1307,50 @@ free_m:
        return size;
+static ssize_t therm_bulk_read_store(struct device *device,
+       struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t size)
+       struct w1_master *dev_master = dev_to_w1_master(device);
+       int ret = -EINVAL; // Invalid argument
+       if (size == sizeof(BULK_TRIGGER_CMD))
+               if (!strncmp(buf, BULK_TRIGGER_CMD,
+                               sizeof(BULK_TRIGGER_CMD)-1))
+                       ret = trigger_bulk_read(dev_master);
+       if (ret)
+               dev_info(device,
+                       "%s: unable to trigger a bulk read on the bus. 
+                       __func__, ret);
+       return size;
+static ssize_t therm_bulk_read_show(struct device *device,
+       struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+       struct w1_master *dev_master = dev_to_w1_master(device);
+       struct w1_slave *sl = NULL;
+       int ret = 0;
+       list_for_each_entry(sl, &dev_master->slist, w1_slave_entry) {
+               if (sl->family_data) {
+                       if (bulk_read_support(sl)) {
+                               if (SLAVE_CONVERT_TRIGGERED(sl) == -1) {
+                                       ret = -1;
+                                       goto show_result;
+                               }
+                               if (SLAVE_CONVERT_TRIGGERED(sl) == 1)
+                                       /* continue to check other slaves */
+                                       ret = 1;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", ret);
 static int w1_read_temp(struct device *device, u32 attr, int channel,
                        long *val)
diff --git a/drivers/w1/slaves/w1_therm.h b/drivers/w1/slaves/w1_therm.h
index 4f2dcf0..93b1760 100644
--- a/drivers/w1/slaves/w1_therm.h
+++ b/drivers/w1/slaves/w1_therm.h
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
 #define MIN_TEMP       -55     /* min temperature that can be mesured */
 #define MAX_TEMP       125     /* max temperature that can be mesured */
+/* Counter for devices supporting bulk reading */
+static u16 bulk_read_device_counter; // =0 as per C standard
@@ -63,6 +66,7 @@ struct w1_therm_family_converter {
        int             (*set_resolution)(struct w1_slave *sl, int val);
        int             (*get_resolution)(struct w1_slave *sl);
        int             (*write_data)(struct w1_slave *sl, const u8 *data);
+       bool    bulk_read;
@@ -80,6 +84,7 @@ struct w1_therm_family_data {
        atomic_t refcnt;
        int external_powered;
        int resolution;
+       int convert_triggered;
        struct w1_therm_family_converter *specific_functions;
@@ -129,6 +134,15 @@ static inline int w1_DS18B20_get_resolution(struct 
w1_slave *sl);
 #define SLAVE_RESOLUTION(sl) \
        (((struct w1_therm_family_data *)(sl->family_data))->resolution)
+/*  return whether or not a converT command has been issued to the slave
+ *  0: no bulk read is pending
+ * -1: conversion is in progress
+ *  1: conversion done, result to be read
+ */
+       (((struct w1_therm_family_data *)(sl->family_data))->convert_triggered)
 /* return the address of the refcnt in the family data */
 #define THERM_REFCNT(family_data) \
        (&((struct w1_therm_family_data *)family_data)->refcnt)
@@ -149,6 +163,12 @@ static struct w1_therm_family_converter 
*device_family(struct w1_slave *sl);
 static inline bool bus_mutex_lock(struct mutex *lock);
+/** support_bulk_read() check is device is supporting bulk read
+ *  @param sl device to get the conversion time
+ *  @return true : bulk read support, false : no support or error
+ */
+static inline bool bulk_read_support(struct w1_slave *sl);
 /** conversion_time() get the Tconv fo the device
  *  @param sl device to get the conversion time
  *  @return conversion time in ms, negative values kernel error code
@@ -228,6 +248,15 @@ static int recall_eeprom(struct w1_slave *sl);
  *                     <0 kernel error code
 static int read_powermode(struct w1_slave *sl);
+/** trigger_bulk_read()
+ * @brief send a SKIP ROM follow by a CONVERT T commmand
+ * on the bus. It also set a flag in each slave struct to signal
+ * @param dev_master the device master of the bus
+ * @return 0 if success, -kernel error code otherwise
+ */
+static int trigger_bulk_read(struct w1_master *dev_master);
 /*----------------------------Interface sysfs-------------------------------*/
 /** @brief A callback function to output the temperature Old way
@@ -298,6 +327,22 @@ static ssize_t alarms_store(struct device *device,
 static ssize_t alarms_show(struct device *device,
        struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf);
+/** @brief A callback function to trigger bulk read on the bus
+ *  @param check BULK_TRIGGER_CMD macro
+ */
+static ssize_t therm_bulk_read_store(struct device *device,
+       struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t size);
+/** @brief A callback function to check if bulk read is on progress
+ *  @return    -1 conversion in progress
+ *                     1 conversion complete but not read on all sensors
+ *                     0 no bulk operation pending
+ */
+static ssize_t therm_bulk_read_show(struct device *device,
+       struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf);
 /*-----------------------------Attributes declarations----------------------*/
 static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(w1_slave);
@@ -308,6 +353,8 @@ static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(resolution);
 static DEVICE_ATTR_WO(eeprom);
 static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(alarms);
+static DEVICE_ATTR_RW(therm_bulk_read); /* attribut at master level */
 /*--------------------------Interface Functions-----------------------------*/
 /** w1_therm_add_slave() - Called each time a search discover a new device

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