
On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 11:59:11PM +1100, Andrew Morton wrote:
> Now that is wierd.  They're radically different drivers,
> and the 3com one doesn't seem to undergo many changes at
> all.
> I wonder if the PCI scan order may have changed.  What
> other PCI devices did you have in that machine? Any other
> NICs?

No, no other NICs. There's a Matrox G200 in the AGP slot,
and a 3Ware 6200 ATA-66 RAID Controller in another PCI slot.
There's an onboard SCSI controller from Adaptec (AIC7xxx) 
but it's unused and this is a SMP system. The Motherboard is 
a Gigabyte G6BXDU. That's about it.

- Chris

Christian Loth
Coder of 'Project Gidayu'
Computer Science Student, University of Dortmund
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