John Stoffel wrote:
What happens when you just have ONE disk connected to the motherboard
controller, and the rest connected to PCI controllers?  Does it crap
out then?  You've just such a nice repeatable problem across
motherboards that it's a shame to waste this debugging time.
Sorry, I gave in. I have now abandoned my nvidia trials (both motherboards have been returned, and I'm now running with Intel chipset) - My current motherboard is less ideal (in terms of PCI-slots etc.), but on the other hand it works...
I'm wondering if it's a PCI bus issue somehow, and that the load on
the motherboard controller isn't supportable when you have a bunch of
disks on PCI controllers as well.  Shot in the dark...
That was actually not such a bad idea... Unfortunately it's too late now (If not I should have tested for sure). I was/am after all running an 8-disk SATA array (plus a normal IDE disk - not in the raid). I had 4 disks running through two PCI-cards and 4 disks used the motherboard's controller. - When all 8 disks were connected to the two PCI-cards the speed dropped compared to when the motherboard's controller took some load.. (So it could maybe be an issue with bandwidth / load ? - I don't know.)
Thanks for all your hard work on this, I know how frustrating it is to
not have a stable system!
Sorry for giving in, but I felt I was banging my head against the wall (and with too few sensible solutions being suggested). Now I guess I'm semi-happy that all seems to work OK with the Intel chipset.. Frustrating that the sata_nv-driver / nvidia HW didn't work with my configuration, though...

Thank you all for your effort as well - hope someone figures this out sometime in the future.

All the best
Jon Ivar
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