I have an ARM hardware board works fine with USB and MMC in kernel 11.
Now, I've just upgraded it to kernel 22. The modules seem loaded fine,
please see following list, but both usb and mmc modules failed to detect
the USB stick or SD card when it was plugged in (I enabled module debug,
but nothing printed out). I understand that the devfs is no longer
supported by the kernel 22, but should the modules still be able to
detect the devices? I think something has been missing, could anyone
help, what I am missing here?
K22 $ lsmod
Module Size Used by
nls_utf8 1696 0
nls_iso8859_1 3936 0
nls_cp437 5600 0
nls_ascii 3936 0
vfat 10336 0
fat 48028 1 vfat
mmc_block 8580 0
s3c2410mci 6560 0
mmc_core 25876 2 mmc_block,s3c2410mci
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