* Roman Zippel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > with Peter's queue there are no underflows/overflows either anymore > > in any synthetic corner-case we could come up with. Peter's queue > > works well but it's 2.6.24 material. > > Did you even try to understand what I wrote? I didn't say that it's a > "common problem", it's a conceptual problem. The rounding has been > improved lately, so it's not as easy to trigger with some simple busy > loops.
As i mentioned it in my first reply to you i really welcome your changes and your interest in the Linux scheduler, but i'm still somewhat surprised why you focus on rounding so much (and why you attack CFS's math implementation so vehemently and IMO so unfairly) - and we had this discussion before in the "CFS review" thread that you started. The kind of rounding error you seem to be worried about is very, very small. For normal nice-0 tasks it's in the "one part per a hundred million" range, or smaller. As a comparison: "top"'s CPU utilization statistics are accurate to "one part per thousand" - and that's roughly the precision range that humans care about. (Graphical tools are even coarser - one part per hundred or worse.) I suspect if rounding effects are measurable you will post numbers that prove it, correct? You did not do that so far. Or if they are not measurable for any workload we care about, why should we worry about it if it causes no problems in practice? (or if it causes problems, what are the actual effects and can they be addressed in a simpler way?) The main reason i'm interested in changing the fairness math under CFS (be that Peter's changes or your changes) is _not_ primarily to address any rounding behavior, but to potentially improve performance! Rounding errors are at most an academic issue, unless they are actually measurable in a workload we care about. (If rounding gets improved as a side-effect of a change that's an added, albeit lower-prio bonus.) But even more important is quality of scheduling - performance is secondary to that. (unless performance is so bad that it becomes a quality issue: such as an O(N) algorithm would do.) Your math is fairly simple (and that is _good_, just like CFS's existing math is simple), it can be summed up in essence as (without complicating it with nice-level weighting, for easy understandability): " use the already existing p->sum_exec_runtime 'task runtime' metric that CFS maintains, and use that as the key into the rb-tree that selects tasks that should be run next. To handle sleeping tasks: keep a per-rq sum of all runnable task's ->sum_exec_runtime values and start newly woken tasks at the average rq->sum/nr_running value. " Now your patch does not actually do it that way in a clearly discernible manner because lots of changes are intermixed into one big patch. ( please correct me if i got your math wrong. Your patch does not add any comments at all to the new code and this slowed down my review and analysis of your patch quite considerably. Lack of comments makes it harder to see the purpose and makes it harder to notice the benefits/tradeoffs involved in each change. ) Much of the remaining complexity in your patch i see as an add-on optimization to that concept: you use a quite complex Bresenham implementation that hides the real machinery of the code. Yes, rounding improves too with Breshenham, but to me that is secondary - i'm mainly interested in the performance aspects of Breshenham. There are advantages of your approach but it also has disadavantages: you removed sleeper fairness for example, which makes it harder to compare the scheduling quality of the two implementations. To sum up: the math in your patch _could_ be implemented as a much smaller add-on to the already existing variables maintained by CFS, but you chose to do lots of changes, variable-renames and removals at once and posted them as one big change. I really welcome large changes to the scheduler (hey, in the past 2.5 years alone we added 350+ scheduler commits from over 95 unique contributors, so i'm as feature-happy as it gets), but it's far easier to review and merge stuff if it's nicely split up. (I'll eventually get through your patch too, but it's much harder that way and as you probably know every core kernel hacker is away for the Kernel Summit so dont expect much activity for a week or so.) One conceptual reason behind the intrusive policy-modularization done in CFS was to _never again_ be forced to do "big" scheduler changes - we now can do most things in small, understandable steps. I posted my very first, raw version of CFS after 3 days of hacking which showed the raw math and nothing more, and i posted every iteration since then, so you can follow through its history. _Please_, separate things out so that they can be reviewed one by one. And _please_ order the patches in "level of intrusiveness" order - i.e. leave the more intrusive patches as late in the patch-queue as possible. Thanks! Ingo - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/