On 6/12/19 9:33 AM, Julien Desfossez wrote:
After reading more traces and trying to understand why only untagged
tasks are starving when there are cpu-intensive tasks running on the
same set of CPUs, we noticed a difference in behavior in ‘pick_task’. In
the case where ‘core_cookie’ is 0, we are supposed to only prefer the
tagged task if it’s priority is higher, but when the priorities are
equal we prefer it as well which causes the starving. ‘pick_task’ is
biased toward selecting its first parameter in case of equality which in
this case was the ‘class_pick’ instead of ‘max’. Reversing the order of
the parameter solves this issue and matches the expected behavior.

So we can get rid of this vruntime_boost concept.

We have tested the fix below and it seems to work well with
tagged/untagged tasks.

My 2 DB instance runs with this patch are better with CORESCHED_STALL_FIX
than NO_CORESCHED_STALL_FIX in terms of performance, std deviation and
idleness. May be enable it by default?


users     %stdev   %gain %idle
16        25       -42.4 73
24        32       -26.3 67
32        0.2      -48.9 62


users     %stdev   %gain %idle
16        6.5      -23 70
24        0.6      -17 60
32        1.5      -30.2   52

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