Friendly Ping.
On 5/23/2019 6:39 PM, Mukesh Ojha wrote:
Hi Peter/All,
This is regarding the discussion happen in the past about
Where the exact ask is to allow preserving and creation of events on a
offline CPU, so that when the CPU
comes online it will start counting.
I had a look at your patch too and resolve crash during while trying
to create an event on an offline cpu.
In your patch, you seem to disable event when cpu goes offline which
is exactly deleting the event
from the pmu and add when it comes online, it seems to work.
But, For the purpose of allowing the creation of event while CPU is
offline is not able to count event while
CPU coming online, for that i did some change, that did work.
Also, I have query about the events which gets destroyed while CPU is
offline and we need to remove them
once cpu comes online right ? As Raghavendra also queried the same in
the above thread.
Don't we need a list where we maintain the events which gets
destroyed while CPU is dead ?
and clean it up when CPU comes online ?