On 28/05/2019 13:18, Tony Lindgren wrote:

This change lets me boot. I don't know that's the correct place, though:

diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am5728.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am5728.dtsi
index 82e5427ef6a9..c778f9a86b3a 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/am5728.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/am5728.dtsi
@@ -31,3 +31,7 @@
&atl_tm {
        status = "disabled";
+&timer12 {
+       status = "disabled";

OK we should disable it at the target-module level though. Interesting
that reading the revision register works with the above, or maybe you
still get some warning?

I don't see anything odd in the boot log with the above change. At least no kernel WARNs, nor anything with grepping "timer", "err", or "warn".

I just verified with clean 5.2-rc2, that it doesn't boot, and with the above change, boots.

My board is x15 rev A3, attached to AM5 EVM. I've also attached my kernel

Strange that this is not affecting other x15? I think timer12 would
be blocked on HS devices though?

I don't know... I can't believe my x15 would be unique =). Can it be something in the kernel config? u-boot?

Peter should have the same A3. Peter, can you try with my config?


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