select_task_rq_* seems to be unchanged. So the search logic to find a cpu
to enqueue when a task becomes runnable is same as before and doesn't do
any kind of cookie matching.
Okay, that's true in task wakeup path, and also load_balance seems to pull task
without checking cookie too. But my system is not over loaded when I tested this
patch, so there is none or only one task in rq and on the rq's rb
tree, so this patch
does not make a difference.
I had same hypothesis for my tests.

The question is, should we do cookie checking for task selecting CPU and load
balance CPU pulling task?
The basic issue is keeping the CPUs busy. In case of overloaded system,
the trivial new idle balancer should be able to find a matching task
in case of forced idle. More problematic is the lower load scenario when
there aren't any matching task to be found but there are runnable tasks of
other groups. Also wake up code path tries to balance threads across cores
(select_idle_core) first which is opposite of what core scheduling wants.
I will re-run my tests with select_idle_core disabled, but the issue is
on x86 Intel systems (my test rig) the CPU ids are interleaved across cores
so even select_idle_cpu will balance across cores first. May be others have
some better ideas?


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