* Pavel Machek <pa...@ucw.cz> [190307 08:35]:
> > > Pavel, I hope this more extended explanation makes sense to you, and
> > > that you simply have not seen me write these same details in the past.
> > 
> > Blimey.  That's a really long winded way of saying:
> > 
> >   "Modular-ness is actually broken in these drivers; [Paul]'s patches
> >    make that point clear for all to see.  If people (authors/distros)
> >    wish them to be modular, they need to fix them properly."
> Has that been checked?
> I mean... when I saw the patch I thought "perhaps it should be doing
> bool->tristate instead"?

Thinking distors and loadable modules,  for PMICs, only regulators need
to be built-in in most cases. That's at least the case for example with

I'd say applying these patches makes sense unless we have people
step up and fix their drivers.



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