Hi all,

  just a datapoint FWIW

On Wed, 01 Aug 2007 17:53:32 +0200 "<::.. Teresa_II ..::>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> У чт, 2007-08-02 у 01:00 +1000, Matthew Hawkins пише:
> > Are you sure its not just a setting in Gnome/KDE for accessibility?
> > That tends to do crazy things like making control keys sticky...
> Yes, i use gnome, and all keyboard layouts are set in gnome, also group
> switching for layouts. But accessibility is switched completely off.

  This reminds me I had something similar happening about a year or so ago
running with Debian's unstable xorg and gnome.

  The keys would stick for a short time (no, no coffee spilled on the keyboard,
I can assure you ;-), the most annoying one being the delete key. Nothing
deterministic, it could happen anytime (or not at all for several days).

  As a final resort, I upgraded the xorg and gnome packages - problem solved.

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