Take it up with Compaq. The platform string value is that which is set in the
HWRPB constructed with SRM.
> Hi,
> This is a minor issue, but I thought I'd report it anyway.
> When I do a
> # cat /proc/cpuinfo
> on my AlphaServer 400 4/233 I get the following (IMHO wrong) output:
> cpu : Alpha
> cpu model : EV45
> cpu variation : 7
> cpu revision : 0
> cpu serial number :
> system type : Avanti
> system variation : 0
> system revision : 0
> system serial number :
> cycle frequency [Hz] : 233334892 est.
> timer frequency [Hz] : 1024.00
> page size [bytes] : 8192
> phys. address bits : 34
> max. addr. space # : 63
> BogoMIPS : 229.11
> kernel unaligned acc : 0 (pc=0,va=0)
> user unaligned acc : 0 (pc=0,va=0)
> platform string : AlphaStation 400 4/233
> cpus detected : 1
> The problem is that the 'Platform string' is set to 'AlphaStation 400
> 4/233' when this machine is quite clearly (it's printed on it) a
> 'AlphaServer 400 4/233' ( It is this machine:
> http://www5.compaq.com/alphaserver/archive/400/alphaserver400.html ).
> It's nothing important, and it runs Linux just fine. Just thought it
> would be nice to see it fixed (if it is at all possible to tell the two
> different systems apart from the kernels point of view).
> Best regards,
> Jesper Juhl
> PS. Please CC all replies to me as I am not subscribed to the list.
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