On Sun, 17 Dec 2000, Peter Samuelson wrote:

> > One last question: WHY is the kernel's top-level Makefile handling
> > this symlink?
> Where do you think it should be handled?  'make modules_install' seems
> like the most logical place, to me.

I think making the symlink should be handled outside the proper scope of
the top-level Makefile, for reasons I have brought up earlier in this
discussion; The Makefile is simply not equipped to know the full state of
the system it is being run for outside the simple case of one single

s/WHY is/For which specific reasons is/

Anyway, the associated discussions cleared up nearly all the
technical-related questions I had. The remaining questions relate toward
policy-issues orthogontal to implementation details. I am still a little
unclear on the nature of the problem this symlink is meant to solve.

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