From: Claudiu Beznea <>

Add PWM normal and complementary modes.

Signed-off-by: Claudiu Beznea <>

Hi Rob,

In prevous version I had your Acked-by tag on this patch but I removed it
in this version since there are some changes b/w the previous one and this
one. Please see bellow and let me know if you are ok with this.

Thank you,
Claudiu Beznea

Changes in v6:
- remove DT bindings since they were also removed from code
- use 1/3 duty factor ratio
- use '^' symbols to emphasize the beginning of a new period
- use PWMx_y to refrer to output y of PWM x

 Documentation/pwm.txt | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/pwm.txt b/Documentation/pwm.txt
index 8fbf0aa3ba2d..669fd4c9cc8e 100644
--- a/Documentation/pwm.txt
+++ b/Documentation/pwm.txt
@@ -110,6 +110,28 @@ channel that was exported. The following properties will 
then be available:
        - 0 - disabled
        - 1 - enabled
+  mode
+    Get/set PWM channel working mode.
+    In the following description PWMx_y refers to output y of PWM with ID x.
+    Normal mode - for PWM channels with one output; this should be the
+        default working mode for every PWM channel; output waveforms looks
+        like this:
+              __      __      __      __
+    PWMx   __|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |__
+             ^       ^       ^       ^
+    Complementary mode - for PWM channels with two outputs; output waveforms
+        looks line this:
+              __      __      __      __
+    PWMx_0 __|  |____|  |____|  |____|  |__
+           __    ____    ____    ____    __
+    PWMx_1   |__|    |__|    |__|    |__|
+             ^       ^       ^       ^
+    Where '^' specifies the beginning of a period.
 Implementing a PWM driver

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