On 17 Dec 2000, Henrik [ISO-8859-1] Størner wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Alexander Viro
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >On Sun, 17 Dec 2000, Jorg de Jong wrote:
> >> > >On 13 Dec 2000, Henrik [ISO-8859-1] Størner wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > >> Just to add a "me too" on this. I didn't report when I saw it last week
> >> I'd like to second that. ME TOO !
> >> Since I switched to 2.4.0.test12 I again have the innd bug.
> >> ( well at least the same symptoms !)
> >Guys, what blocksize are you using?
> I am using Reiserfs, and I hear it has some problems with the changes
> introduced in pre12. So I will report back once the Reiserfs guys get
> this settled.
Ok, the reiserfs patches for test12 are on ftp.reiserfs.org/pub/2.4/beta,
please let me know if they work for you.
I just reran the test case on test12, with tails on and off and got the
correct results. There might be some interaction with the new O_SYNC code
I'm missing that is causing innd problems though (reiserfs still isn't
using the new sync stuff, workin on it).
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