
> > > For one of our demos, we ran a file server on a remote linux box (that we 
> > > just had a user account on), mounted it on a kORBit'ized box, and ran
> > > programs on SPARC Solaris that accessed the kORBit'ized linux box's file
> > > syscalls.  If nothing else, it's pretty nifty what you can do in little
> > > code...
> > 
> > Cool!
> > 
> > However, can you do one test for me? Do _heavy_ writes on kORBit-ized
> > box. That might show you some problems.
> I guess that when you mmap large files over nfs and write to them, you get
> similar problems.
> > Oh, and try to eat atomic memory by ping -f kORBit-ized box.
> When linux is out of atomic memory, it will die anyway.

Why should it die? It is quite easy to make machine run out of atomic
memory: just bomb it with lots of packets. It should recover, eventually

> Mikulas

The best software in life is free (not shareware)!              Pavel
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