On Mon, Dec 03, 2018 at 01:44:35PM -0300, Ezequiel Garcia wrote:
> The current kref and kobject documentation may be
> insufficient to understand these common pitfalls regarding
> object lifetime and object releasing.
> Add a bit more documentation and improve the warnings
> seen by the user, pointing to the right piece of documentation.
> Also, it's important to understand that making fun of people
> publicly is not at all helpful, doesn't provide any value,
> and it's not a healthy way of encouraging developers to do better.
> "Mocking mercilessly" will, if anything, make developers feel bad
> and go away. This kind of behavior should not be encouraged or justified.

Very true, thanks for fixing this up and providing a much better wording
for all of this, including the warning messages.

Now queued up, thanks.

greg k-h

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