According to Alexander Viro: > 9P is quite simple and unlike CORBA it had been designed for taking > kernel stuff to userland. Besides, authors definitely understand > UNIX... As nice as 9P is, it'll need some tweaks to work with Linux. For example, it limits filenames to 30 characters; that's not OK. -- Chip Salzenberg - a.k.a. - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Give me immortality, or give me death!" // Firesign Theatre - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please read the FAQ at
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Alexander Viro
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Jamie Lokier
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Chris Lattner
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Alan Cox
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Alexander Viro
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Michael Rothwell
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Chris Lattner
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Michael Rothwell
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Michael Livshin
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Elliot Lee
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Chip Salzenberg
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Alexander Viro
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Chip Salzenberg
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Alexander Viro
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Chip Salzenberg
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Alexander Viro
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit David Feuer
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Oystein Viggen
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit josef höök
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit Alexander Viro
- Re: ANNOUNCE: Linux Kernel ORB: kORBit josef höök