----- Original Message -----
From: Gregoire Favre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 4:49 AM
Subject: Re: DVD on Linux
> zink wrote:
> > The final 2.2.18 is out - I didn't see UDF option under filesystems,
altough it should
> > have been there - maybe we'll wait (for ages) untilfinal 2.4 is out.
> I haven't used 2.2 for ages, but as far as I remember, you could just use
iso9660 for DVD...
> (Well since 2.2.n with n great enough...).
> Greg
Is the code in the source for 2.2.18? If it is, then check the config.in
file in the fs/ dir for a commented block (like for usb). Unless it's been
folded into the iso9660 driver...
Matthew D. Pitts
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