On Friday 12 October 2018 11:19:41 Andreas Henriksson wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> On Tue, Oct 02, 2018 at 04:44:10AM -0400, Jaroslav Skarvada wrote:
> > I am downstream maintainer of dosfstools in Fedora/RHEL. My personal opinion
> > with such kind of projects is that one or two years without activity doesn't
> > mean the project is dead. I don't know what happened with Andreas, but
> > in case of no response my +1 for the GitHub fork. I think it's non offensive
> > solution which can be easily reverted if needed. Please let me know if you 
> > do it
> It seems Andreas is a Debian Developer (like myself), so I used the
> debian tooling for 'missing in action' (mia-query) and it seems
> he is occationally active (but showing obvious signs of busyness).
> I even found his irc nick and found him online. I told him about this
> mailing list thread and he replied that he has been extremely busy
> with things in his personal life lately and said he should really
> try to find some time to catch up with things, but since he hasn't
> replied here I thought I'd just let you know about the situation.
> Hopefully things calms down for him soon to allow him to catch up.
> I hope you find a good way to handle things in the mean time. More
> people probably need to help out reviewing incoming issues/PRs and other
> things that can help Andreas out with the maintenance burden, but with
> his current lack of time it might be better if someone motivated and
> capable just forks the project on github and starts doing the
> maintenance work in the fork. If things works out well, maybe this gives
> Andreas confidence he can safely hand over the official maintainer role
> to someone with more time for it (and you can 'unfork' again).
> Regards,
> Andreas Henriksson

Ok, so it would be great if somebody can help Andreas with reviewing
opened dosfstools pull requests on github...


Pali Rohár

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