Am Donnerstag 28 Juni 2007 19:08 schrieb Midhun Agnihotram: > How do I access the MMC card data now? If I try to mount it, > busybox doesnot mount it. > > # mount /dev/mmcblk0p0 /mnt/mmc > mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p0 on /mnt/mmc failed > > I have tried with /dev/mmcblk0p0, mmcblk0p1,etc. But of no use. How > do I access the contents of MMC card? Is there any thing missing in my > settings? Busybox does not say anything other than the above error > message.
Unfortunately, busybox mount is not very verbose. You get the above mentioned error message even if the device file doesn't exist... You should check: * Is the driver for your MMC actually loaded? * Did it initialize correctly? Does it find your MMC card? * Is support for the file system on the MMC in your kernel? * /dev/mmcblk0p0 and /mnt/mmc really exist? (sorry, but...) Check the output of dmesg for messages from the mmc driver. Hans - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] More majordomo info at Please read the FAQ at