2007/6/27, Jan Engelhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Jun 27 2007 14:05, Chris Shoemaker wrote:
>What I'd really like to see is, _why_ is trailing whitespace
>considered harmful?

Consumes bytes you'll never see :)

>Something about MUAs not preserving it or something?

Well, there is format=flowed. text/plain mails with a trailing blank at the end
of line indicates the paragraph continues -- as a curtesy for mail readers with
non-fixed-font to display the paragraph coherently rather than breaking it at
72/80 columns.

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There's more potential to cause  lines end with whitespace. How about
remove the "Some editors with ..."  like this :

+Do not leave trailing whitespace at the ends of lines.
+Git will warn you about patches that introduce trailing whitespace, and can
+optionally strip the trailing whitespace for you; however, if applying a series
+of patches, this may make later patches in the series fail by changing their
+context lines.
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