Hi Randy,

On 08/02/2018 03:05 AM, Randy Dunlap wrote:
> On 07/31/2018 09:13 AM, Georgi Djakov wrote:
>> This patch introduces a new API to get requirements and configure the
>> interconnect buses across the entire chipset to fit with the current
>> demand.
>> The API is using a consumer/provider-based model, where the providers are
>> the interconnect buses and the consumers could be various drivers.
>> The consumers request interconnect resources (path) between endpoints and
>> set the desired constraints on this data flow path. The providers receive
>> requests from consumers and aggregate these requests for all master-slave
>> pairs on that path. Then the providers configure each participating in the
>> topology node according to the requested data flow path, physical links and
>> constraints. The topology could be complicated and multi-tiered and is SoC
>> specific.
>> Signed-off-by: Georgi Djakov <georgi.dja...@linaro.org>
>> ---
>>  Documentation/interconnect/interconnect.rst |  96 ++++
>>  drivers/Kconfig                             |   2 +
>>  drivers/Makefile                            |   1 +
>>  drivers/interconnect/Kconfig                |  10 +
>>  drivers/interconnect/Makefile               |   2 +
>>  drivers/interconnect/core.c                 | 569 ++++++++++++++++++++
>>  include/linux/interconnect-provider.h       | 125 +++++
>>  include/linux/interconnect.h                |  42 ++
>>  8 files changed, 847 insertions(+)
>>  create mode 100644 Documentation/interconnect/interconnect.rst
>>  create mode 100644 drivers/interconnect/Kconfig
>>  create mode 100644 drivers/interconnect/Makefile
>>  create mode 100644 drivers/interconnect/core.c
>>  create mode 100644 include/linux/interconnect-provider.h
>>  create mode 100644 include/linux/interconnect.h
>> diff --git a/Documentation/interconnect/interconnect.rst 
>> b/Documentation/interconnect/interconnect.rst
>> new file mode 100644
>> index 000000000000..e628881ee218
>> --- /dev/null
>> +++ b/Documentation/interconnect/interconnect.rst
>> @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
>> +.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
>> +
>> +=====================================
>> +=====================================
>> +
>> +Introduction
>> +------------
>> +
>> +This framework is designed to provide a standard kernel interface to control
>> +the settings of the interconnects on a SoC. These settings can be 
>> throughput,
> I would say:                         on an SoC.
> Do you pronounce that as "sock" or the letters S.O.C.?

Ah right indeed, this should be based on the phonetics and not the writing.

>> +latency and priority between multiple interconnected devices or functional
>> +blocks. This can be controlled dynamically in order to save power or provide
>> +maximum performance.
>> +
>> +The interconnect bus is a hardware with configurable parameters, which can 
>> be
>                     bus is hardware


>> +set on a data path according to the requests received from various drivers.
>> +An example of interconnect buses are the interconnects between various
>> +components or functional blocks in chipsets. There can be multiple 
>> interconnects
>> +on a SoC that can be multi-tiered.
>       an SoC
>> +
>> +Below is a simplified diagram of a real-world SoC interconnect bus topology.
>> +
>> +::
>> +
>> + +----------------+    +----------------+
>> + | HW Accelerator |--->|      M NoC     |<---------------+
>> + +----------------+    +----------------+                |
>> +                         |      |                    +------------+
>> +  +-----+  +-------------+      V       +------+     |            |
>> +  | DDR |  |                +--------+  | PCIe |     |            |
>> +  +-----+  |                | Slaves |  +------+     |            |
>> +    ^ ^    |                +--------+     |         |   C NoC    |
>> +    | |    V                               V         |            |
>> + +------------------+   +------------------------+   |            |   
>> +-----+
>> + |                  |-->|                        |-->|            |-->| CPU 
>> |
>> + |                  |-->|                        |<--|            |   
>> +-----+
>> + |     Mem NoC      |   |         S NoC          |   +------------+
>> + |                  |<--|                        |---------+    |
>> + |                  |<--|                        |<------+ |    |   
>> +--------+
>> + +------------------+   +------------------------+       | |    +-->| 
>> Slaves |
>> +   ^  ^    ^    ^          ^                             | |        
>> +--------+
>> +   |  |    |    |          |                             | V
>> + +------+  |  +-----+   +-----+  +---------+   +----------------+   
>> +--------+
>> + | CPUs |  |  | GPU |   | DSP |  | Masters |-->|       P NoC    |-->| 
>> Slaves |
>> + +------+  |  +-----+   +-----+  +---------+   +----------------+   
>> +--------+
>> +           |
>> +       +-------+
>> +       | Modem |
>> +       +-------+
>> +
>> +Terminology
>> +-----------
>> +
>> +Interconnect provider is the software definition of the interconnect 
>> hardware.
>> +The interconnect providers on the above diagram are M NoC, S NoC, C NoC, P 
>> NoC
>> +and Mem NoC.
>> +
>> +Interconnect node is the software definition of the interconnect hardware
>> +port. Each interconnect provider consists of multiple interconnect nodes,
>> +which are connected to other SoC components including other interconnect
>> +providers. The point on the diagram where the CPUs connect to the memory is
>> +called an interconnect node, which belongs to the Mem NoC interconnect 
>> provider.
>> +
>> +Interconnect endpoints are the first or the last element of the path. Every
>> +endpoint is a node, but not every node is an endpoint.
>> +
>> +Interconnect path is everything between two endpoints including all the 
>> nodes
>> +that have to be traversed to reach from a source to destination node. It may
>> +include multiple master-slave pairs across several interconnect providers.
>> +
>> +Interconnect consumers are the entities which make use of the data paths 
>> exposed
>> +by the providers. The consumers send requests to providers requesting 
>> various
>> +throughput, latency and priority. Usually the consumers are device drivers, 
>> that
>> +send request based on their needs. An example for a consumer is a video 
>> decoder
>> +that supports various formats and image sizes.
>> +
>> +Interconnect providers
>> +----------------------
>> +
>> +Interconnect provider is an entity that implements methods to initialize and
>> +configure a interconnect bus hardware. The interconnect provider drivers 
>> should
>    configure interconnect bus hardware.
> (i.e., drop the "a")


>> +be registered with the interconnect provider core.
>> +
>> +The interconnect framework provider API functions are documented in
>> +.. kernel-doc:: include/linux/interconnect-provider.h
> What do you want that to do?  and does that happen?
> The .. kernel-doc:: line won't be printed.  It will just be expanded to the
> contents of that header file, so the preceding sentence fragment will 
> look/sound
> odd.

Thanks for catching this, I understood it incorrectly. Will improve it.


>> +
>> +Interconnect consumers
>> +----------------------
>> +
>> +Interconnect consumers are the clients which use the interconnect APIs to
>> +get paths between endpoints and set their bandwidth/latency/QoS requirements
>> +for these interconnect paths.
>> +
>> +The interconnect framework consumer API functions are documented in
>> +.. kernel-doc:: include/linux/interconnect.h
> same as above.

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