Alexandre Oliva wrote:
On Jun 21, 2007, Andrew McKay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A balance of freedom to the licensee and the licenser.  It's my
opinion that GPLv3 potentially shifts the balance too far to the

It's more of a balance of freedom between licensee and licensee,
actually.  It's a lot about making sure no one can acquire a
privileged position, such that every licensee plays under the same
rules.  (The copyright holder is not *acquiring* a privileged
position, copyright law had already granted him/her that position.)

I do see what you're saying here. But it does take the away the ability of a licensee to protect themselves from another malicious licensee. If the ultimate goal of the Free Software community is to get source code out to the public, I think that was captured in GPLv2. GPLv3 oversteps its bounds.

Anyways I think this topic has been quite covered.

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