On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Tomas Neme wrote:

>  as long as this right is not used by the software distributor to
>  impose restrictions on the user's ability to adapt the software to
>  their own needs.  The GPLv3 paragraph above makes a fair concession in
>  this regard, don't you agree?

 no, one of the rules for the network is that the software must be
 certified, you are requireing the device to permit the software to be
 changed to an uncertified version.(to store credit card numbers and send
 them to a third party for example)

Also another way of doing this is having every network ask the kernel
for its key, and checking it. If it doesn't match a certified key,
then not allowing you to access the network.

no, this doesn't work becouse if the software has been altered you don't know if the key it's giving you matches that software. it could be giving you the key from the unmodified software.

David Lang

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