On 6/19/2018 11:36 AM, Tero Kristo wrote:
On 19/06/18 07:28, Keerthy wrote:
The default restore context function enables or disables
the clock based on the enable_count. This is done in cases
where the clock context is lost and based on the enable_count
the clock either needs to be enabled/disabled. This particularly
helps restore the state of gate clocks.
Signed-off-by: Keerthy <j-keer...@ti.com>
drivers/clk/clk.c | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
include/linux/clk-provider.h | 2 ++
2 files changed, 21 insertions(+)
diff --git a/drivers/clk/clk.c b/drivers/clk/clk.c
index 7347e06..c201b8b 100644
--- a/drivers/clk/clk.c
+++ b/drivers/clk/clk.c
@@ -910,6 +910,25 @@ static int clk_core_enable_lock(struct clk_core
return ret;
+ * clk_dflt_restore_context - restore context for poweroff
+ * @hw: the clk_hw pointer of clock whose state is to be restored
+ *
+ * The default restore context function enables or disables
+ * the clock based on the enable_count. This is done in cases
+ * where the clock context is lost and based on the enable_count
+ * the clock either needs to be enabled/disabled. This particularly
+ * helps restore the state of gate clocks.
+ */
+void clk_dflt_restore_context(struct clk_hw *hw)
I think the name of this function is wrong, it should be
clk_gate_restore_context, as only gate clocks are ever going to be using
this afaics.
Okay. Yes this applies to gate clocks. I will fix this.
+ if (hw->clk->core->enable_count)
+ hw->clk->core->ops->enable(hw);
+ else
+ hw->clk->core->ops->disable(hw);
static int _clk_save_context(struct clk_core *clk)
struct clk_core *child;
diff --git a/include/linux/clk-provider.h b/include/linux/clk-provider.h
index 7f30d62..3e0c61a 100644
--- a/include/linux/clk-provider.h
+++ b/include/linux/clk-provider.h
@@ -992,5 +992,7 @@ static inline void clk_writel(u32 val, u32 __iomem
#endif /* platform dependent I/O accessors */
+void clk_dflt_restore_context(struct clk_hw *hw);
#endif /* CONFIG_COMMON_CLK */
#endif /* CLK_PROVIDER_H */
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