"Jeffrey V. Merkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This already exists -- it just not open sourced, and you could spend
> years trying to create it.  Trust me, once you start dealing with the
> distributed issues with this, its gets very complex.  I am not meaning
> to discourage you, but there are patents already filed on this on
> Linux.    So you need to consider these as well, and there are several
> folks who are already doing this or have done it.  If it goes into
> Microsoft endorsed cross licensed Linuxes It may be ok (Vertias sold
> this capability to Microsoft already, about 12 patents there to worry
> over).  There's also another patent filed as well.  It's a noble
> effort to do a free version, but be aware there's some big guns with
> patents out there already, not to mention doing this is complex beyond
> belief. 

Would such patents still be valid? He does  not seem to be describing
anything that the ICL VME/B operating system did not do in the 1970s, so
any applicable patents should have eithe expired by now or be
invalidated by prior art.
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