No, I hadn't forgotten: Time for another poke-the-kernel-list post.

December is, for many people, a time of community and family, and a
time for giving gifts to friends and strangers.  In Japan, I am told,
they have a custom of giving away to others the gifts they have

The December 2000 KernelWiki Challenge is really simple:

"When I asked about ___, ____ told me ____"

1) Fill in the blanks or comb your back emails for some gift of kernel
   insight which you received from someone else.

2) Go to and find
   the appropriate KernelWiki page.

3) Click the "Edit this Page" link

4) Plunk your December KernelWiki response into the text box.

5) Click "Save" and get back to your holiday festivities.

It's painless. All I want is 10 minutes of your time.  The best stuff
is already sitting there in your email files, all you have to do is
dig it out, dust it off, and share it.  Even if you are still trying
to make sense of it, if it seems useful to understanding Linux 2.4,
plunk it in. It's easy. 10 minutes work, 15 tops.

Hundreds of messages pass through this list in a day, and while most
are about the day to day business of _building_ the new kernel, some
small percent are general answers that illuminate the Kernel.  Those
flashes _deserve_ to be collected and shared. One month's worth of
these gems could illuminate whole sections of the kernel.

What do you win?  Do it right, and you might cause that "transmission
of light" which nets you assistance in your kernel hacking.  The word
"Community" comes from Latin roots meaning "Those with whom I share
gifts".  Your contribution to the KernelWiki makes that community just
a little larger.

  WARNING: I will persist in pestering for participation, but no more
  than once a month.  The subject line is stable enough to regexp for
  a kill file, but the simple fact is the KernelWiki _is_ working.

KernelWiki charges forth, breaking all records, charting new ground,
belieing the naysayers.  KernelWiki has exceeded all expectations.
KernelWiki is a hit, the cover of Die Spiegle and Time's Kernel Doc of
the Year.  Be the first in your network segment to KernelWiki!

Should you have more than 15 minutes to spare and you are interested
in this KernelWiki thing, you are invited to fetch

The dedicated gift-givers are invited to cruise KernelWiki for
question marks, and click the mark to describe the undefined term.
KernelWiki lives by your kind contributions.

See you in 2001

Gary Lawrence Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: office voice/fax: 01 519 4222723
T(!c)Inc Business Innovation through Open Source
M:I-3 - Documenting the Linux kernel:
"My humanity is bound up in yours; we can only be human together"(Tutu)
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