On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 10:28 PM, Randy Dunlap <rdun...@infradead.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> (with new kconfiglib.py and menuconfig.py)
> Thanks for the fixes.
> If I use "LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8" then I get the down arrows in the bottom colored
> bar.  Without that, I get an upside-down T (that is 193, 0xc1, line drawing
> character in the IBM extended character set).
> Hm. With LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8, the upper colored bar prints up arrows.
> Without that, it prints ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
> That's nice that it can do either.

The arrows use ACS_U/DARROW from the alternate character set. You get
nice Unicode arrows for those with ncurses/PDCurses, plus "fallbacks"
(strictly speaking the Unicode arrows are fallbacks too).

Unicode text entry is still broken with LC_CTYPE=C, because ncurses
respects it. Having the menuconfig just force C.UTF-8 if it's
available might fix a bunch of problems in practice, even if it feels
a bit iffy to force settings.

Python 3.7 will improve things at least. It converts LC_CTYPE=C into
LC_CTYPE=<some available UTF-8 locale>.

Cleanest would be if all environments sanely defaulted to UTF-8, but
that's not how it is in practice, unfortunately. :)

> Being a vim user, I do like the optional navigation keys.
> --
> ~Randy


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