On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 05:34:50PM -0800, Dan Hollis wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Dec 2000, Alan Cox wrote:
> > > Ditto, we have an adsl driver that we setup by overloading various otherwise
> > > unused options in ifconfig (mem_start, io_addr etc) to do this. Cheaper and
> > > faster than writing yet another ioctl using device configuration agent, but
> > > distasteful non the less.
> > Generic is not always good , thats why we have SIOCDEVPRIVATE. One thing Im
> > pondering is if we should make the hardware config ioctl take a hardware type
> > ident with each struct. That would help make all the ethernet agree, all the
> > wan agree, all the ADSL agree without making a nasty mess.
> Id be up for that, but its hard to standardize on IOCTLs without people
> publishing their drivers, as long as people hide their code we dont know
> what everyone else is doing config interface wise...
> Lets see the code, people...

We are trying to get permission from the customer to release it.

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