
> > > >[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ while true; do setleds +num; setleds -num; done
> > > >Hm,m so thiis  iis  a teest of fkeyboarad behaviour  under lloadd.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >...but I'm not quite sure it is a buggy keyboard. It happens _way_ too
> > > >often. Launch the line above and try to do some typing...
> > > 
> > > This used to work fine on my box last time I tried it (the switch
> > > itself is offloaded to a keventd and shoud not get in the way) but
> > > then they push all kind of ACPI/SMM crap together with KBC so who
> > > knows... I should try it again when I get home.
> > 
> > Hmm, this needs to be ran from console (not X). Can someone with
> > thinkpad try this?
> The version that doesn't sleep totally messes up keyboard input on my
> T43. Some keypresses are totally ignored and the keys that are part of
> the "numpad" sometimes generate crap, e.g. holding down "j"
> results in j, 1 or ^[[4~

Ok, I did not want to focus on "numpad" keys. Even normal keys
misbehave for me, like being lost or duplicated. Strange.
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