Uncle George wrote:
David Schwartz wrote:

Nope. An errored connection is always ready for read/write -- there is
nothing to wait for as far as the kernel is concerned. Your code keeps
asking the kernel if something interesting has happened, the kernel keeps
telling it yes, and it refuses to do anything about it.

The select() returns because i pulled the USB cable from hub. Seems reasonable.

The next select() found what? to be interesting in order to prematurely terminate the select-wait? As far as I can tell, nothing interesting has happened since the previous select(). In this case the select() is only looking at read()'s.

It's because you haven't done anything to handle the error which is still persisting. Likely the only thing sane you can do in this case is close the fd and try to reopen it later.

Robert Hancock      Saskatoon, SK, Canada
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