In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thanks for the replies. As for why I ran the devel kernel with important data, I made the fatal mistake of listening: Me: "Are you sure it will be ok??!?" Friend: "No problems. It's rock solid. I've been running it for weeks." The fact that he also overclocks his cpu 300 Mhz should have been a thermonucleur warning sign. On a side note, the linux2.4-test10+ via82cxxx (ac97 codec) works nicely on the kt133 mobo whereas it locks the machine in linux2.2. Only unusual thing I noticed is that it pauses a few seconds before letting me change the volume. --- data recovery --- Roger Wolff mentioned: "" is a professional data-recovery service. If you put the drive in a Linux system with LOTs of extra disk space, we can even try to recover your data remotely over the internet. The costs are 1195 euro per recovery, plus 0.50 euro per recovered Mb of data. Barry K. Nathan & Theodore Y. Ts'o reminded me to look in lost+found and Ted said the URLs were a good place to start. Sorry I was kinda vague on the details of the corruption (I lost all my scrollback logs). It did not happen after a crash. I was noticing weird errors after mounting the drive from a different OS (I think group inode errors?), so I blindly ran fsck -y on it. Unfortunately it's a 61 gig 5400 rpm drive, so a plaintext string search on the partition has been running about two days so far. debugfs hasn't been helpful so far altho I haven't reviewed the lsdel inodes yet. I think at this point I'm going to just save the hd for rainy days/weeks. Thanks again. Saber _____________________________________________________________________________________ Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please read the FAQ at