26 May 2007 Cts tarihinde, S.Çağlar Onur şunları yazmıştı: 
> 23 May 2007 Çar tarihinde, Ingo Molnar şunları yazmıştı:
> > As usual, any sort of feedback, bugreport, fix and suggestion is more
> > than welcome!
> I have another kaffeine [0.8.4]/xine-lib [1.1.6] problem with CFS for you
> :)
> Under load (compiling any Qt app. or kernel with -j1 or -j2) audio always
> goes sync with time (and i'm sure it never skips) but video starts slowdown
> and loses its sync with audio (like for the 10th sec. of a movie, audio is
> at 10th sec. also, but the shown video is from 7th sec.).
> After some time video suddenly wants to sync with audio and starts to play
> really fast (like fast-forward) and syncs with audio. But it will lose its
> audio/video sync after a while and loop continues like that.
> I also reproduced that behaviour with CFS-13, i'm not sure its reproducible
> with mainline cause for a long time i only use CFS (but i'm pretty sure
> that problem not exists or not hit me with CFS-1 to CFS-11). And its only
> reproducible with some load and mplayer plays same video without losing its
> audio/video sync with same load.

Ah, i forgot to add you can find the "strace -o kaffine.log -f -tttTTT 
kaffeine" and ps output while that problem exists at [1]

[1] http://cekirdek.pardus.org.tr/~caglar/kaffeine/

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