On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 6:10 PM, Guillaume Douézan-Grard
<gdouezangr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Topstar U931 laptops provide a LED synced with the WLAN adapter
> hard-blocking state. Unfortunately, some models seem to be defective,
> making impossible to hard-block the adapter with the WLAN switch and
> thus the LED is useless.
> An ACPI method is available to programmatically control this switch and
> it indirectly allows to control the LED.
> This commit registers the LED within the corresponding subsystem, making
> possible for instance to use an rfkill-based trigger to synchronize the
> LED with the device state.
> This workaround is enabled automatically for Topstar U931/RVP7 laptops
> based on a DMI check.

> - * ACPI driver for Topstar notebooks (hotkeys support only)
> + * Topstar Laptop ACPI Extras driver

I think it's previous one.

With Best Regards,
Andy Shevchenko

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