Hi Philipp,

On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 12:29:09AM +0100, Philipp Rossak wrote:
> For adding newer sensor some basic rework of the code is necessary.
> This patch reworks the driver to be able to handle more than one
> thermal sensor. Newer SoC like the A80 have 4 thermal sensors.
> Because of this the maximal sensor count value was set to 4.
> The sensor_id value is set during sensor registration and is for each
> registered sensor indiviual. This makes it able to differntiate the
> sensors when the value is read from the register.
> In function sun4i_gpadc_read_raw(), the sensor number of the ths sensor
> was directly set to 0 (sun4i_gpadc_temp_read(x,x,0)). This selects
> in the temp_read function automatically sensor 0. A check for the
> sensor_id is here not required since the old sensors only have one
> thermal sensor. In addition to that is the sun4i_gpadc_read_raw()
> function only used by the "older" sensors (before A33) where the
> thermal sensor was a cobination of an adc and a thermal sensor.
> Signed-off-by: Philipp Rossak <embe...@gmail.com>
> ---
>  drivers/iio/adc/sun4i-gpadc-iio.c | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
>  include/linux/mfd/sun4i-gpadc.h   |  3 +++
>  2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/iio/adc/sun4i-gpadc-iio.c 
> b/drivers/iio/adc/sun4i-gpadc-iio.c
> index 51ec0104d678..ac9ad2f8232f 100644
> --- a/drivers/iio/adc/sun4i-gpadc-iio.c
> +++ b/drivers/iio/adc/sun4i-gpadc-iio.c
> @@ -67,12 +67,13 @@ struct gpadc_data {
>       unsigned int    tp_adc_select;
>       unsigned int    (*adc_chan_select)(unsigned int chan);
>       unsigned int    adc_chan_mask;
> -     unsigned int    temp_data;
> +     unsigned int    temp_data[MAX_SENSOR_COUNT];
>       int             (*sample_start)(struct sun4i_gpadc_iio *info);
>       int             (*sample_end)(struct sun4i_gpadc_iio *info);
>       bool            has_bus_clk;
>       bool            has_bus_rst;
>       bool            has_mod_clk;
> +     int             sensor_count;
>  };

I've noticed that for H3, A83T, A64 (at least), if DATA reg of sensor 0
is e.g. 0x80, DATA reg of sensor N is at 0x80 + 0x04 * N.

Is that verified for other SoCs? Does anyone have some input on this?

We could then just use temp_data as the DATA reg "base" and increment by
0x4 depending on the sensor id instead of using a fixed-size array.

>  static const struct gpadc_data sun4i_gpadc_data = {
> @@ -82,9 +83,10 @@ static const struct gpadc_data sun4i_gpadc_data = {
>       .tp_adc_select = SUN4I_GPADC_CTRL1_TP_ADC_SELECT,
>       .adc_chan_select = &sun4i_gpadc_chan_select,
>       .adc_chan_mask = SUN4I_GPADC_CTRL1_ADC_CHAN_MASK,
> -     .temp_data = SUN4I_GPADC_TEMP_DATA,
> +     .temp_data = {SUN4I_GPADC_TEMP_DATA, 0, 0, 0},
>       .sample_start = sun4i_gpadc_sample_start,
>       .sample_end = sun4i_gpadc_sample_end,
> +     .sensor_count = 1,

If the solution above is not desirable/possible, could we use something

unsigned int sun4i_temp_data[] = {SUN4I_GPADC_TEMP_DATA,};

static const struct gpadc_data sun4i_gpadc_data = {
        .temp_data = &sun4i_temp_data,
        .sensor_count = ARRAY_SIZE(sun4i_temp_data),

That avoids 1) inconsistencies between the array size and the array
itself, 2) does not require to pad the array with zeroes.


> @@ -745,9 +752,12 @@ static int sun4i_gpadc_probe(struct platform_device 
> *pdev)
>       pm_runtime_enable(&pdev->dev);
> -             info->tzd = thermal_zone_of_sensor_register(info->sensor_device,
> -                                                         0, info,
> -                                                         &sun4i_ts_tz_ops);
> +             for (i = 0; i < info->data->sensor_count; i++) {
> +                     info->sensor_id = i;
> +                     info->tzd = thermal_zone_of_sensor_register(
> +                                     info->sensor_device,
> +                                     i, info, &sun4i_ts_tz_ops);
> +             }

As Maxime said, this does not work.

One way would be to have a new structure being:
struct sun4i_sensor_info {
        struct sun4i_gpadc_iio  *info;
        unsigned int            sensor_id;

Or since we only use the iio_dev within the sun4i_gpadc_iio in the
.get_temp function, we may replace info by struct iio_dev *indio_dev


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