On 01/29/2018 06:31 AM, Oleksandr Shamray wrote:
> When a need raise up to use JTAG interface for system's devices
> programming or CPU debugging, usually the user layer
> application implements jtag protocol by bit-bang or using a 
> proprietary connection to vendor hardware.
> This method can be slow and not generic.
> We propose to implement general JTAG interface and infrastructure
> to communicate with user layer application. In such way, we can
> have the standard JTAG interface core part and separation from
> specific HW implementation.
> This allow new capability to debug the CPU or program system's 
> device via BMC without additional devices nor cost. 

Oleksandr, you have completed dodged my questions here:


can you try to respond to some of these questions please?

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