On Wed, 2018-01-24 at 08:49 -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Jan 2018, David Woodhouse wrote:
> > 
> > I'm kind of tempted to turn it into a whitelist just by adding 1 to the
> > microcode revision in each table entry. Sure, that N+1 might be another
> > microcode build that also has issues but never saw the light of day...
> Watch out for the (AFAIK) still not properly documented where it should
> be (i.e. the microcode chapter of the Intel SDM) weirdness in Skylake+
> microcode revision.  Actually, this is related to SGX, so anything that
> has SGX.
> When it has SGX inside, Intel will release microcode only with even
> revision numbers, but the processor may report it as odd (and will do so
> by subtracting 1, so microcode 0xb0 is the same as microcode 0xaf) when
> the update is loaded by the processor itself from FIT (as opposed as
> being loaded by WRMSR from BIOS/UEFI/OS).
> So, you could see N-1 from within Linux if we did not update the
> microcode, and fail to trigger a whitelist (or mistrigger a blacklist).

That's OK. If they ship a fixed 0x0200003E firmware for SKX, for
example, which appears as 0x0200003D when it's loaded from FIT, that's
still >= 0x0200003C *and* !(<0x0200003D) if we were to do that.

In fact, the code for the "whitelist X+1" vs. "blacklist X" approach is
*entirely* equivalent; it's purely a cosmetic change. Because

   !(< X)   ≡   ≥ (X+1)

The *real* change here is that for ∀ SKU, we are being asked to
blacklist all microcode revisions <= 0xFFFFFFFF¹ for now, and change
that only once new microcode is actually released. Every time, and then
get people to rebuild their kernels because they can *use* the features
from the new microcode.

¹(OK, *there's* a functional difference between whitelist and blacklist
approach. But we'll never actually see 0xffffffff so that's not
important right now :)

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