On 5/18/07, Matthew Wilcox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 09:11:58AM +0530, Satyam Sharma wrote:
> It's also somewhat a matter of *taste* (and hence subjective), if you
> _still_ don't get it, Matthew, then there's no point continuing this thread
> and trying to convince you ad infinitum.

Right.  It's a matter of taste.  What makes you think you have taste?

Well, my stand uptil now has been to consider as many options as
possible. I have certainly not married myself to just one particular way
of doing this -- but I bet that the one way that I do _dislike_, the dummy
module one, would not be found tasteful / best by most people around
(yourself included, as you say).

I don't think that the module solution is perfect.  But abusing the
module parameters is a worse idea.  sysfs just isn't a good fit for this,
according to my taste.

The whole point is to at least _consider_ other alternatives. And I've
found your attitude so far to have been extremely blocking / difficult.
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