28.12.2017, 17:22, "Ozgur" <okara...@yandex.com>:
> 28.12.2017, 16:31, "Aishwarya Pant" <aishp...@gmail.com>:
>>  Hi


>>  In Documentation/rtc.txt, there is a description of the sysfs
>>  interface which could be moved to Documentation/ABI.
>>  Would such a change be useful?
>>  The ABI documentation format looks like the following:
>>  What: (the full sysfs path of the attribute)
>>  Date: (date of creation)
>>  KernelVersion: (kernel version it first showed up in)
>>  Contact: (primary contact)
>>  Description: (long description on usage)
>>  I am doing this in an exercise to move sysfs ABI interfaces (which are
>>  documented) to their right place i.e. in Documentation/ABI along with the 
>> rest.

 Do I understand right? Are you want to make the rtc.txt part the same format 
as ABI folder?
 for example create to RTC folder and add /dev/rtc what, date, kernelversion, 
contact right?

 This can be a good idea and I can help.

>>  Aishwarya


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