Current description of the compatible property for at24 is quite vague.

Specify an exact list of accepted compatibles and document the - now
deprecated - strings which were previously used in device tree files.

Signed-off-by: Bartosz Golaszewski <>
Reviewed-by: Javier Martinez Canillas <>
 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/eeprom/at24.txt | 48 ++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/eeprom/at24.txt 
index cbc80e194ac6..16b687458b14 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/eeprom/at24.txt
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/eeprom/at24.txt
@@ -2,28 +2,32 @@ EEPROMs (I2C)
 Required properties:
-  - compatible : should be "<manufacturer>,<type>", like these:
-       "atmel,24c00", "atmel,24c01", "atmel,24c02", "atmel,24c04",
-       "atmel,24c08", "atmel,24c16", "atmel,24c32", "atmel,24c64",
-       "atmel,24c128", "atmel,24c256", "atmel,24c512", "atmel,24c1024"
-       "catalyst,24c32"
-       "microchip,24c128"
-       "ramtron,24c64"
-       "renesas,r1ex24002"
-       The following manufacturers values have been deprecated:
-       "at", "at24"
-        If there is no specific driver for <manufacturer>, a generic
-        device with <type> and manufacturer "atmel" should be used.
-        Possible types are:
-        "24c00", "24c01", "24c02", "24c04", "24c08", "24c16", "24c32", "24c64",
-        "24c128", "24c256", "24c512", "24c1024", "spd"
+  - compatible: must be one of the following:
+        "atmel,24c00",
+        "atmel,24c01",
+        "atmel,24c02",
+        "atmel,24c04",
+        "atmel,24c08",
+        "atmel,24c16",
+        "atmel,24c32",
+        "atmel,24c64",
+        "atmel,24c128",
+        "atmel,24c256",
+        "atmel,24c512",
+        "atmel,24c1024"
+  NOTE: old compatible strings, such as:
+        "catalyst,24c32",
+        "microchip,24c128",
+        "ramtron,24c64",
+        "renesas,r1ex24002",
+        "at,24c08",
+        "at24,24c08",
+        "24c32"
+  will still work, but are now deprecated.
   - reg : the I2C address of the EEPROM

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