+++ Luis R. Rodriguez [07/12/17 16:15 -0800]:
load_module() will allocate a struct module before even checking
if the module is already loaded. This can create unecessary memory
pressure since we can easily just check if the module is already
present early with the copy of the module information from userspace
after we've validated it a bit.
This can only be an issue if a system is getting hammered with multiple
request_module() calls which are issued blindly without first checking
if the module is already present. Fortunately we have test cases on
selftests for kmod to prove this now.

This is more evident on kmod selftest test case 0008 than 0009, given
get_fs_type() has its own checker for if the module is present before
poking userspace for the module. The two kmod selftests evaluated
below are:

0008 - multithreaded - push kmod_concurrent over max_modprobes for 
0009 - multithreaded - push kmod_concurrent over max_modprobes for get_fs_type()

In terms of run time nothing changes much:

root@piggy:~# time ./kmod.sh -t 0008
real    0m29.377s
user    0m1.291s
sys     0m17.775s

root@piggy:~# time ./kmod.sh -t 0009
real    1m4.234s
user    0m1.172s
sys     0m15.378s

root@piggy:~# time ./kmod.sh -t 0008
real    0m29.191s
user    0m1.372s
sys     0m17.428s

root@piggy:~# time ./kmod.sh -t 0009
real    1m3.972s
user    0m1.137s
sys     0m15.870s

But if we generate two memory-use plots during each test before and
after this commit we can see test case 0008 ends up consuming much
less memory as the test runs now, saving about 14 MiB in the worst

For test case 0008 since both test run for about 35 seconds we can
collect memory-use in KiB for 35 seconds as the test runs, before
and then after this commit:

# For test case 0008, run for 35 seconds, before this commit:
free -k -s 1 -c 35 | grep Mem | awk '{print $3}' > log-0008-before.txt
# For test case 0008, run for 35 seconds, after this commit:
free -k -s 1 -c 35 | grep Mem | awk '{print $3}' > log-0008-after.txt

Likewise for test 0009 since both tests run for about 75 seconds we can
collect memory-use in KiB for 75 seconds as the test runs, before
and then after this commit:

# For test case 0009, run for 75 seconds, before this commit:
free -k -s 1 -c 75 | grep Mem | awk '{print $3}' > log-0009-before.txt
# For test case 0008, run for 75 seconds, after this commit:
free -k -s 1 -c 75 | grep Mem | awk '{print $3}' > log-0009-after.txt

Assuming we have a kmod.plot for gnuplut as follows:

cat kmod.gnuplot
set term dumb
set output fileout
plot filein with linespoints title "Memory usage (KiB)"

We can now plot each graph:

gnuplot -e filein='log-0008-before.txt' -e fileout='graph-0008-before.txt' 
gnuplot -e filein='log-0009-before.txt' -e fileout='graph-0009-before.txt' 
gnuplot -e filein='log-0008-after.txt' -e fileout='graph-0008-after.txt' 
gnuplot -e filein='log-0009-after.txt' -e fileout='graph-0009-after.txt' 

kmod selftest 0008 before:

 124000 +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
        |        +         + *      +         +        +         +        |
        |                   * *                Memory usage (KiB) ***A*** |
 123000 |-+                 * *             A                           +-|
        |                  *  *            * *       A*A                  |
        |                  A  *   A      *A  *      *   *   *A*A* A       |
        |       A          *   *  ** *A*A     **A *A     A*A     A *      |
 122000 |-+    * A*       *    A**  A         A  A                 *    +-|
        |    *A    A*A*A* *      A                                  A*A*A |
        |   A            A                                                |
 121000 |-+ *                                                           +-|
        |   *                                                             |
        |  *                                                              |
 120000 |-+*                                                            +-|
        |  *                                                              |
        |  *                                                              |
        | *                                                               |
 119000 |*A                                                             +-|
        |                                                                 |
        |        +         +        +         +        +         +        |
 118000 +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
        0        5         10       15        20       25        30       35

kmod selftest 0008 after:

 110000 +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
        |        A         +        +         +        +         +        |
 108000 |-+      *                             Memory usage (KiB) ***A***-|
        |        *                                                        |
        |        **                                                       |
 106000 |-+      **                                                     +-|
        |       * *                                                       |
 104000 |-+     * *                                                     +-|
        |       * *           *A        A*        *A*   *A*A*A*A*A        |
        |       *  *        *A  *  *A* *  A*A*A*AA   A*A          A*A*A*A |
 102000 |-+   A*A  **A*A*A*A     AA   A                                 +-|
        |    *     A                                                      |
 100000 |-+  *                                                          +-|
        |   A                                                             |
        |   *                                                             |
  98000 |-+*                                                            +-|
        |  *                                                              |
  96000 |-+*                                                            +-|
        | *                                                               |
        |*A      +         +        +         +        +         +        |
  94000 +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
        0        5         10       15        20       25        30       35

The max memory-use before and after:

$ sort -n -r log-0008-before.txt | head -1
$ sort -n -r log-0008-after.txt | head -1

Although this is just one test case the saving of about 14940 KiB
(~14 MiB) is considerable enough to consider a two line change.

For test case 0009 we don't see much drastic changes:

kmod selftest 0009 before:

 2.2e+06 +----------------------------------------------------------------+
         |       +       +       +     A  +       +       +       +       |
   2e+06 |-+                           *       Memory Asage (KiA) ***A***-|
         |                A   A        *              *        *          |
 1.8e+06 |-+              *   *        *              *        *        +-|
 1.6e+06 |-+              **  *        *              *        *        +-|
         |                *A  *        *              *        *          |
 1.4e+06 |-+           A  ** **        **         A   **       A        +-|
         |             *  ** * *       **         *   *A       *          |
 1.2e+06 |-+      A    *  ** * *      * *       A *   **       *        +-|
         | AA     *    ** ** A *     A* *       * *  * *      **          |
   1e+06 |-**     * A  ** ** * *     ** *       * ** * *      * *       +-|
         | **     * *  *A* * * A     ** A   A  ** ** * A      * *         |
  800000 |-**     * *  ***  ** *     ** * A *  ** ** * *      * *       +-|
         | **    * *A * **  **  *    ** * * * AA *** *  *  A  * *         |
  600000 |-* * A * **** **  **  *    *A * * * *  **A *  *A *  * A       +-|
  400000 |-* * *A* **** **  **  A    *   *** **  *** A  ** ** A *       +-|
         | * * **A * ** **  **   A   *   *** **  *A **  ***** *  *        |
  200000 |-* ** ** * ** A*  **   *   *   *** **  ** *   * **A*   *A     +-|
         |AA AA A+ A AA  A  AA   AAAAA   AAA AA  A+ A   A AA A   A+AAA    |
       0 +----------------------------------------------------------------+
         0       10      20      30       40      50      60      70      80

kmod selftest 0009 after:

 2.2e+06 +----------------------------------------------------------------+
         |       +       +       +        +       +     A +       +       |
   2e+06 |-+                                   Memory us*ge (KiB) ***A***-|
         |                                              *                 |
 1.8e+06 |-+                                A           *               +-|
 1.6e+06 |-+                                *           *               +-|
         |        A                         *           *                 |
 1.4e+06 |-+      *                         *           **              +-|
         |        *                         *           **                |
 1.2e+06 |-+    A *                         *           **              +-|
         |      * *                      A  *       A   **                |
   1e+06 |-+    * *                      *  **      *  * *              +-|
         |      *** A        A          ** * *      *  * A                |
  800000 |-+AA  ** **  A     **  A    AAA ** *      ** * * A            +-|
         | A* * ** **  *     *A  * A  *   ** *      ** * * *              |
  600000 |-** A*** *****     **  * *  *   ** *     * A * * *            +-|
  400000 |-** ***A ***A * A A**  *** A*   A* *   A * * *  ***           +-|
         |**   *** **** * * ** * A* **    ** A   * *  **  * *             |
  200000 |**   **  **A  ** * * * ** **    *A  * A A*  **  * *           +-|
         |AA   AA+ AA   AA A A AA+A AA    A   AA  AA  AA  A AAAAAAAAAA    |
       0 +----------------------------------------------------------------+
         0       10      20      30       40      50      60      70      80

In terms of max memory use we have:

$ sort -n -r log-0009-before.txt | head -1
$ sort -n -r log-0009-after.txt | head -1

So there is not much difference for this commit when we hammer on

Signed-off-by: Luis R. Rodriguez <mcg...@kernel.org>
kernel/module.c | 3 +++
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/kernel/module.c b/kernel/module.c
index fb2afcde5d20..6a0e22293502 100644
--- a/kernel/module.c
+++ b/kernel/module.c
@@ -3321,6 +3321,9 @@ static int early_mod_check(struct load_info *info, int 
        if (err)
                return err;

+       if (finished_loading(info->name))
+               return 0;
Did you mean to return -EEXIST here? Otherwise this check doesn't do
anything, i.e. if the module is live then early_mod_check() returns 0
and proceeds to layout_and_allocate() all the same.

Also, finished_loading() wouldn't work here in its current form,
because it also returns true if the module doesn't exist, i.e.
find_module_all() returns NULL. This is because we want to wake up in
add_unformed_module() if the same module failed to load and then went
away, then we can try to add it to the modules list again. Perhaps we
can split out the !mod check in the wait condition in add_unformed_module()
so that we can use finished_loading() here as intended.



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