Luca Montecchiani wrote:
> Anyway I'll do more investigation about my problem to get bootp
> work with dhcp compiled into kernel next week
With the 2.2.18pre22 kernel and also pre21 last time I checked
if you compile the kernel with DHCP and BOOTP, it's impossible
to use bootp, you need to recompile the kernel without dhcp.
The problem (bug) is that dhcp code is _always_ executed also in
the case of bootp, breaking the procedure :(
I love to have dhcp and bootp compiled into kernel, so I can
chose my preferred protocol with the ip=XXXX option.
I don't like this _goto_ patch against 2.2.18pre22, but work :
--- ipconfig.c.old Mon Nov 20 17:01:16 2000
+++ ipconfig.c Mon Nov 20 17:34:01 2000
@@ -842,6 +842,8 @@
u32 server_id = INADDR_NONE;
int mt = 0;
+ if ( !(ic_proto_enabled & IC_USE_DHCP) ) goto nodhcp;
ext = &b->exten[4];
while (ext < end && *ext != 0xff) {
u8 *opt = ext++;
@@ -896,6 +898,7 @@
#endif /* IPCONFIG_DHCP */
ext = &b->exten[4];
while (ext < end && *ext != 0xff) {
u8 *opt = ext++;
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