On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Alan Cox wrote:

> > You are wrong: If you modify the kernel you have to make it available for
> > anyone who wishes to use it; that's also in the GPL. You can't add stuff
> No it isnt. Some people seem to think it is. You only have to provide a 
> change if you give someone the binaries concerned. Some people also think
> that 'linking' clauses mean they can just direct the customer to do the link,
> that also would appear to be untrue in legal precedent - the law cares about
> the intent.

Of the list of poeple here, only Alan was present with the discussion of
the terms of how the FASTTRAK SCSI-Emulation API to ATA was defined.
Since you are not in the position to define the terms of how the
interaction between the two subsystems work, you have no clue that
building it into the kernel will fail!

Second read the causes about "COMMERIAL INTENT", somewhere around section
7 paragraph 3.

I have defined the terms that are acceptable to a binary module that
incorporates GPL code of MINE!  This I DEFINE THE TERMS, and they are
module only!


Andre Hedrick
CTO Timpanogas Research Group
EVP Linux Development, TRG
Linux ATA Development

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