On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Tigran Aivazian wrote:
> > [adam@pepsi /tmp]$ dd if=/dev/zero of=holed.file bs=1000 seek=5000 count=1000
> > [adam@pepsi /tmp]$ ls -l holed.file
> > -rw-rw-r-- 1 adam adam 6000000 Nov 29 08:52 holed.file
> > [adam@pepsi /tmp]$ du -sh holed.file
> > 1.9M holed.file
> what filesystem type? on ext2 filesystem on 2.4.0-test12-pre3 I get
> expected result:
More datapoints. I have asked around, and I have two users of
2.4.0-test10. One is getting expected 1mb, other is getting (just like me)
So far I don't see pattern, here. It does not seems to depend on block
size, nor packet writing patches.
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