Con Kolivas wrote:
This patchset is designed to improve system responsiveness and interactivity.
It is configurable to any workload but the default -ck patch is aimed at the
desktop and -cks is available with more emphasis on serverspace.
Apply to 2.6.21
Hi all,
i am using this patch for the first time and i am reporting my experience.
Before this patch with all the programs i usually keep running
(opera/iceweasel with lots of tabs, icedove mail client, konversation
irc client, akregator feed reader, and the super-hog second life client,
vim, among others) the reponse was a bit slugish (waiting for program
focus, wait for redrawing specially when i change from one virtual
desktop to another).
After I started using this patch the response/interactivity seems
improved and faster, i never used Linux so responsive as now. I can
switch between virtual desktops with immediate response. Even with a
load of 2.0 (now, while i am writing this) thse system it's very
responsive and the audio and video still work without glitches.
Just for the record, and if it matters i am using it on a laptop with a
T2500 CPU, 1 GB RAM.
If there's any way i can help, providing data, running any kind of
benchmark to quantify the beahaviour, etc... please ask.
Thanks all who made/tested this patch. Good work. Thanks.
Com os melhores cumprimentos/Best regards,
Miguel Figueiredo
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