Hi! Find below my fourth regression report for Linux 4.14. It lists 6
regressions I'm currently aware of; for most of them fixes are in the
work. 4 regressions got fixed since last weeks report; 1 turned out to
not be a regression.

As always: Are you aware of any other regressions? Then please let me
know by mail (a simple bounce or forward in my direction is enough!).
For details see http://bit.ly/lnxregtrackid And please tell me if there
is anything in the report that shouldn't be there.

Ciao, Thorsten

P.S.: Sorry, was travelling to kernel summit, that's why there wasn't a
report last week

== Current regressions ==

New default s2idle does not work on Dell XPS 13 9360 with hynix 512GB
Status: Patch to blacklist the problematic machines up for testing
Note: appears to be related to NVMe (and specifically to the particular
Hynix 512G NVMe SSD in the reporter's machine); this seems to be a
regression in 4.13 that is exposed by a change in 4.14; judge yourself
if this should be in the list or not
Reported: 2017-09-11
Cause: e870c6c87cf9484090d28f2a68aa29e008960c93 (indirectly)

CIFS SMB2+ combined with pythons xattr.listxattr leads to "IOError:
[Errno 61]
Status: reporter was asked to provide additional details, but didn't
provide them yet (sorry, been busy)
Note: Disclaimer: A regression the regression tracker reported
Reported: 2017-09-26
Cause: 8dc5b3a6cb2f (assumed)

Ath10k disconnects
Status: revert planned:
Note: Only happens with some wifi routers; Disclaimer: A regression the
regression tracker reported
Reported: 2017-10-01
Cause: c9353bf483d3724c116a9d502c0ead9cec54a61a

Oops in nouveau_fbcon_set_suspend_work during boot or resume on some
Status: asked if https://git.kernel.org/torvalds/c/481376632537 fixes
this; if not then bisect needed
Reported: 2017-10-02

blk_partition_remap: fail for partition 3 on ARM board Odroid U3, with
root fs on eMMC
Status: told reporter to bring this to the list and CC the developers in
the suspected commit
Reported: 2017-10-17
Cause: 74d46992e0d9dee7f1f376de0d56d31614c8a17a (likey)

tun devices not working anymore in openvpn
Status: Fix in dave's tree already: 5c25f65fd1e42685f7ccd80e0621829c105785d9
Reported: 2017-10-28
Cause: 0ad646c81b2182f7fa67ec0c8c825e0ee165696d

== Going to get removed ==

Hikey620: it's easy to trigger a panic with "rcu_preempt detected stalls
on CPUs/tasks"
Status: "[…] this issue is quite likely related with CA53 errata,
especialy ERRATA_A53_855873 is the relative one. So I changed to use
ARM-TF mainline code with ERRATA fixing, this issue can be dismissed. […]
Cause: e3067861ba66

== Fixed since last report ==

networking doesn't work in opensuse 42.2 due to apparmor: add base
infastructure for socket mediation
Status: Fixed by a revert: https://git.kernel.org/torvalds/c/80c094a47dd4
Reported: 2017-10-03
Cause: 651e28c5537abb39076d3949fb7618536f1d242e

WiFi stopped working with 4.14 (two report: a staging driver and iwlwifi)
Status: Fixed by a revert: https://git.kernel.org/torvalds/c/80c094a47dd4
Reported: 2017-10-05
Cause: 651e28c5537abb39076d3949fb7618536f1d242e

Dramatic lockdep slowdown in 4.14
Status: fixed by a revert: https://git.kernel.org/torvalds/c/b483cf3bc249
Reported: 2017-10-13
Cause: 28a903f63ec0

On first generation i486 processors it immediately resets the system
after the "Booting the kernel" message.
Status: Fixed by https://git.kernel.org/torvalds/c/9c48c0965b97
Cause: 87e81786b13b267c4355e0d23e33c7e4c08fa63f

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