Hi Bjorn,

Thank you for the review. There are a lot of important suggestions.

On  6.10.2017 08:20, Bjorn Andersson wrote:
> On Mon 02 Oct 07:13 PDT 2017, Todor Tomov wrote:
>> diff --git a/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-qcom-cci.c 
>> b/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-qcom-cci.c
> [..]
>> +#define NUM_MASTERS 1
> So you will only register one of the masters?

Yes, in this version of the driver - only one. Probably I will extend the 
driver later
to support also the second master on 8096.

> [..]
>> +enum cci_i2c_queue_t {
>> +    QUEUE_0,
>> +    QUEUE_1
> Could these be called QUEUE_READ and QUEUE_WRITE instead?

There isn't anything read or write specific in the queues, this is just how we 
assign them.
Both of them can do both operations. So I think that we should not narrow the 
names to read
and write.

>> +};
>> +
>> +enum cci_i2c_master_t {
>> +    MASTER_0,
>> +    MASTER_1
> Just use 0 and 1 when denoting the two masters.


>> +};
>> +
>> +struct resources {
> This struct name is not awesome, name it something like cci_res instead.


>> +    char *clock[CCI_RES_MAX];
>> +    u32 clock_rate[CCI_RES_MAX];
>> +    char *reg[CCI_RES_MAX];
>> +    char *interrupt[CCI_RES_MAX];
>> +};
> [..]
>> +
>> +struct cci_master {
>> +    u32 status;
> You use this to pass 0 or negative errno between functions, so make it
> int.


>> +    u8 complete_pending;
> bool


>> +    struct completion irq_complete;
>> +};
>> +
>> +struct cci {
>> +    struct device *dev;
>> +    struct i2c_adapter adap;
>> +    void __iomem *base;
>> +    u32 irq;
> "irq" is generally supposed to be a "int".


>> +    char irq_name[30];
>> +    struct cci_clock *clock;
> If you set the rate of your clocks initially you can replace this array
> with clk_bulk_data and use the clk_bulk_prepare_enable() and
> clk_bulk_disable_unprepare().

Ok, I'll switch to the bulk API.

>> +    int nclocks;
>> +    u8 mode;
>> +    u16 queue_size[NUM_QUEUES];
>> +    struct cci_master master[NUM_MASTERS];
>> +};
>> +
>> +static const struct resources res_v1_0_8 = {
>> +    .clock = { "camss_top_ahb",
>> +               "cci_ahb",
>> +               "camss_ahb",
>> +               "cci" },
> The code consuming this will read until NULL, so please add terminator.

The fields which are not explicitely initialized are set to NULL, right?
I may add a comment that a space in the array for the terminator must be left.

> It happens to work as the first clock_rate is 0 in both cases.

I think that it works because it reaches the terminator.

>> +    .clock_rate = { 0,
>> +                    80000000,
>> +                    0,
>> +                    19200000 },
>> +    .reg = { "cci" },
>> +    .interrupt = { "cci" }
> No need to specify reg and interrupt here until they actually need to be
> configured; just put the strings in the code.


>> +};
>> +
> [..]
>> +
>> +/*
>> + * cci_enable_clocks - Enable multiple clocks
> Correct kerneldoc would be:
> /**
>  * cci_enable_clocks() - Enable multiple clocks


>> + * @nclocks: Number of clocks in clock array
>> + * @clock: Clock array
>> + * @dev: Device
>> + *
>> + * Return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
>> + */
>> +int cci_enable_clocks(int nclocks, struct cci_clock *clock, struct device 
>> *dev)
> Overall this is clk_bulk_prepare_enable(), please use that.

Yes, I will.

> [..]
>> +/*
>> + * cci_disable_clocks - Disable multiple clocks
>> + * @nclocks: Number of clocks in clock array
>> + * @clock: Clock array
>> + */
>> +void cci_disable_clocks(int nclocks, struct cci_clock *clock)
> Overall this is clk_bulk_disable_unprepare(), so please use that.


>> +{
>> +    int i;
>> +
>> +    for (i = nclocks - 1; i >= 0; i--)
>> +            clk_disable_unprepare(clock[i].clk);
>> +}
>> +
> [..]
>> +
>> +static int cci_init(struct cci *cci, const struct hw_params *hw)
>> +{
>> +    u32 val = CCI_IRQ_MASK_0_I2C_M0_RD_DONE |
>> +                    CCI_IRQ_MASK_0_I2C_M0_Q0_REPORT |
>> +                    CCI_IRQ_MASK_0_I2C_M0_Q1_REPORT |
>> +                    CCI_IRQ_MASK_0_I2C_M1_RD_DONE |
>> +                    CCI_IRQ_MASK_0_I2C_M1_Q0_REPORT |
>> +                    CCI_IRQ_MASK_0_I2C_M1_Q1_REPORT |
>> +                    CCI_IRQ_MASK_0_RST_DONE_ACK |
>> +                    CCI_IRQ_MASK_0_I2C_M0_Q0Q1_HALT_ACK |
>> +                    CCI_IRQ_MASK_0_I2C_M1_Q0Q1_HALT_ACK |
>> +                    CCI_IRQ_MASK_0_I2C_M0_ERROR |
>> +                    CCI_IRQ_MASK_0_I2C_M1_ERROR;
>> +    int i;
>> +
>> +    writel(val, cci->base + CCI_IRQ_MASK_0);
>> +
>> +    for (i = 0; i < NUM_MASTERS; i++) {
>> +            val = hw->thigh << 16 | hw->tlow;
>> +            writel(val, cci->base + CCI_I2C_Mm_SCL_CTL(i));
>> +
>> +            val = hw->tsu_sto << 16 | hw->tsu_sta;
>> +            writel(val, cci->base + CCI_I2C_Mm_SDA_CTL_0(i));
>> +
>> +            val = hw->thd_dat << 16 | hw->thd_sta;
>> +            writel(val, cci->base + CCI_I2C_Mm_SDA_CTL_1(i));
>> +
>> +            val = hw->tbuf;
>> +            writel(val, cci->base + CCI_I2C_Mm_SDA_CTL_2(i));
>> +
>> +            val = hw->scl_stretch_en << 8 | hw->trdhld << 4 | hw->tsp;
>> +            writel(val, cci->base + CCI_I2C_Mm_MISC_CTL(i));
>> +
>> +            cci->master[i].status = 0;
> I don't think you need to initialize status here, it's always written
> before read in the rest of the driver.


>> +    }
>> +
>> +    return 0;
>> +}
>> +
>> +static int cci_run_queue(struct cci *cci, u8 master, u8 queue)
>> +{
>> +    unsigned long time;
>> +    u32 val;
>> +    int ret;
>> +
>> +    val = readl(cci->base + CCI_I2C_Mm_Qn_CUR_WORD_CNT(master, queue));
>> +    writel(val, cci->base + CCI_I2C_Mm_Qn_EXEC_WORD_CNT(master, queue));
>> +
>> +    val = 1 << ((master * 2) + queue);
> BIT(master * 2 + queue)

Ok. Will use BIT() also on the rest of the places where it can be used.

>> +    writel(val, cci->base + CCI_QUEUE_START);
>> +
>> +    time = wait_for_completion_timeout(&cci->master[master].irq_complete,
>> +                                       CCI_TIMEOUT_MS);
>> +    if (!time) {
>> +            dev_err(cci->dev, "master %d queue %d timeout\n",
>> +                    master, queue);
>> +            return -ETIMEDOUT;
>> +    }
>> +
>> +    ret = cci->master[master].status;
>> +    if (ret < 0)
>> +            dev_err(cci->dev, "master %d queue %d error %d\n",
>> +                    master, queue, ret);
>> +
>> +    return ret;
>> +}
>> +
>> +static int cci_validate_queue(struct cci *cci, u32 len, u8 master, u8 queue)
>> +{
>> +    int ret = 0;
>> +    u32 val;
>> +
>> +    val = readl(cci->base + CCI_I2C_Mm_Qn_CUR_WORD_CNT(master, queue));
>> +
>> +    if (val + len + 1 > cci->queue_size[queue]) {
>       if (val + len >= cci->queue_size[queue])
> Or even better, flip this around and do:
>       if (val + len < cci->queue_size[queue])
>               return 0;
>       val = ..
>       writel()
>       return cci_run_queue();
> That said, this function is always called with len ==
> cci->queue_size[queue]. So this will always "run the queue" unless val
> == 0. So you can simplify this function slightly by dropping the "len".

Yes, I'll rework this and remove "len".

>> +            val = CCI_I2C_REPORT | (1 << 8);
>> +            writel(val, cci->base + CCI_I2C_Mm_Qn_LOAD_DATA(master, queue));
>> +
>> +            ret = cci_run_queue(cci, master, queue);
>> +    }
>> +
>> +    return ret;
>> +}
>> +
>> +static int cci_i2c_read(struct cci *cci, u16 addr, u8 *buf, u16 len)
>> +{
>> +    u8 master = MASTER_0;
>> +    u8 queue = QUEUE_1;
>> +    u32 val;
>> +    u32 words_read, words_exp;
>> +    int i, index, first;
>> +    int ret;
>> +
>> +    if (len > cci->adap.quirks->max_read_len)
>> +            return -EOPNOTSUPP;
>> +
> The core already checks each entry against the max length quirks.
> But are these actually the max amount of data you can read in one
> operation? Generally one has to drain the fifo but the actual transfers
> can be larger...

Yes, the maximum data which you can read in one operation. And this is
the meaning of quirks->max_read_len, right? Not the i2c transfer size.
So the check is correct but I'll remove it as it is already done in
i2c_check_for_quirks(), as you have pointed out.

> [..]
>> +}
>> +
>> +static int cci_i2c_write(struct cci *cci, u16 addr, u8 *buf, u16 len)
>> +{
>> +    u8 master = MASTER_0;
>> +    u8 queue = QUEUE_0;
>> +    u8 load[12] = { 0 };
>> +    u8 i, j;
> Use int for counters.


>> +    u32 val;
>> +    int ret;
>> +
>> +    if (len > cci->adap.quirks->max_write_len)
>> +            return -EOPNOTSUPP;
>> +
> This is taken care of by the core.

Yes, I'll remove it.

> [..]
>> +}
>> +
>> +static int cci_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg msgs[], int 
>> num)
>> +{
>> +    struct cci *cci = i2c_get_adapdata(adap);
>> +    int i;
>> +    int ret = 0;
>> +
>> +    if (!num)
>> +            return -EOPNOTSUPP;
> I don't think you need to handle this case explicitly.


>> +
>> +    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
>> +            if (msgs[i].flags & I2C_M_RD)
>> +                    ret = cci_i2c_read(cci, msgs[i].addr, msgs[i].buf,
>> +                                       msgs[i].len);
>> +            else
>> +                    ret = cci_i2c_write(cci, msgs[i].addr, msgs[i].buf,
>> +                                        msgs[i].len);
>> +
>> +            if (ret < 0) {
>> +                    dev_err(cci->dev, "cci i2c xfer error %d", ret);
>> +                    break;
>> +            }
>> +    }
>> +
>> +    return ret;
> This should return num on success.


> [..]
>> +static int cci_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
>> +{
>> +    struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
> [..]
>> +    cci = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*cci), GFP_KERNEL);
> Use dev instead &pdev->dev here, of just use pdev->dev throughout the
> function.


> [..]
>> +    cci->mode = I2C_MODE_STANDARD;
> cci->mode is a local variable, please don't put it in the struct.


>> +    ret = of_property_read_u32(pdev->dev.of_node, "clock-frequency", &val);
>> +    if (!ret) {
>> +            if (val == 400000)
>> +                    cci->mode = I2C_MODE_FAST;
>> +            else if (val == 1000000)
>> +                    cci->mode = I2C_MODE_FAST_PLUS;
>> +    }
>> +
>> +    /* Memory */
>> +
>> +    r = platform_get_resource_byname(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, res->reg[0]);
> You only have a single reg, so please just use
> r = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);


>> +    cci->base = devm_ioremap_resource(dev, r);
>> +    if (IS_ERR(cci->base)) {
>> +            dev_err(dev, "could not map memory\n");
>> +            return PTR_ERR(cci->base);
>> +    }
>> +
>> +    /* Interrupt */
>> +
>> +    r = platform_get_resource_byname(pdev, IORESOURCE_IRQ,
>> +                                     res->interrupt[0]);
>> +    if (!r) {
>> +            dev_err(dev, "missing IRQ\n");
>> +            return -EINVAL;
>> +    }
>> +
>> +    cci->irq = r->start;
> Please replace this with:
> cci->irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);


>> +    snprintf(cci->irq_name, sizeof(cci->irq_name), "%s", dev_name(dev));
> And just hard code this in the function call.


>> +    ret = devm_request_irq(dev, cci->irq, cci_isr,
>> +                           IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING, cci->irq_name, cci);
>> +    if (ret < 0) {
>> +            dev_err(dev, "request_irq failed, ret: %d\n", ret);
>> +            return ret;
>> +    }
>> +
>> +    disable_irq(cci->irq);
> The time between devm_request_irq() and disable_irq() is still long
> enough for cci_isr() to be called, before irq_complete is initialized.
> Don't request irqs until you're ready to receive the interrupts.

This makes sense however at this point the clocks to the device are
still not enabled, doesn't this avoid any problems?

>> +
>> +    /* Clocks */
>> +
>> +    cci->nclocks = 0;
>> +    while (res->clock[cci->nclocks])
>> +            cci->nclocks++;
>> +
>> +    cci->clock = devm_kzalloc(dev, cci->nclocks *
>> +                              sizeof(*cci->clock), GFP_KERNEL);
> This can max be CCI_RES_MAX (i.e. 6) so just make the array fixed size
> and skip the kzalloc().

Does it matter?

>> +    if (!cci->clock)
>> +            return -ENOMEM;
>> +
>> +    for (i = 0; i < cci->nclocks; i++) {
>> +            struct cci_clock *clock = &cci->clock[i];
>> +
>> +            clock->clk = devm_clk_get(dev, res->clock[i]);
>> +            if (IS_ERR(clock->clk))
>> +                    return PTR_ERR(clock->clk);
>> +
>> +            clock->name = res->clock[i];
>> +            clock->freq = res->clock_rate[i];
>> +    }
>> +
>> +    ret = cci_enable_clocks(cci->nclocks, cci->clock, dev);
>> +    if (ret < 0)
>> +            return ret;
>> +
>> +    val = readl_relaxed(cci->base + CCI_HW_VERSION);
>> +    dev_info(dev, "%s: CCI HW version = 0x%08x", __func__, val);
> Please don't "spam" the kernel log by default, if this is useful make it
> dev_dbg() and people can easily enable the print.


>> +
>> +    init_completion(&cci->master[0].irq_complete);
>> +    init_completion(&cci->master[1].irq_complete);
>> +
>> +    enable_irq(cci->irq);
>> +
>> +    ret = cci_reset(cci);
>> +    if (ret < 0)
> Clocks needs to be disabled if this fails.


>> +            return ret;
>> +
>> +    ret = cci_init(cci, &hw[cci->mode]);
>> +    if (ret < 0)
> Dito


>> +            return ret;
>> +
>> +    ret = i2c_add_adapter(&cci->adap);
> Dito


>> +
>> +    return ret;
>> +}
> [..]
>> +MODULE_ALIAS("platform:i2c-qcom-cci");
> You don't need to specify this alias.


> Regards,
> Bjorn

Best regards,
Todor Tomov

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