From: Jeremy Fitzhardinge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Replace all the open-coded macros for generating calls with a pair of
more general macros (__PVOP_CALL/VCALL), and redefine all the
PVOP_V?CALL[0-4] in terms of them.

[ Andrew, Andi: this should slot in immediately after "Document 
  (paravirt_ops-document-asm-i386-paravirth.patch) ]

Signed-off-by: Jeremy Fitzhardinge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Signed-off-by: Andi Kleen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Ingo Molnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 include/asm-i386/paravirt.h |  248 ++++++++++----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)

Index: linux/include/asm-i386/paravirt.h
--- linux.orig/include/asm-i386/paravirt.h
+++ linux/include/asm-i386/paravirt.h
@@ -332,211 +332,81 @@ unsigned paravirt_patch_insns(void *site
  * means that all uses must be wrapped in inline functions.  This also
  * makes sure the incoming and outgoing types are always correct.
-#define PVOP_CALL0(__rettype, __op)                                    \
-       ({                                                              \
-               __rettype __ret;                                        \
-               if (sizeof(__rettype) > sizeof(unsigned long)) {        \
-                       unsigned long long __tmp;                       \
-                       unsigned long __ecx;                            \
-                       asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
-                                    : "=A" (__tmp), "=c" (__ecx)       \
-                                    : paravirt_type(__op),             \
-                                      paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)       \
-                                    : "memory", "cc");                 \
-                       __ret = (__rettype)__tmp;                       \
-               } else {                                                \
-                       unsigned long __tmp, __edx, __ecx;              \
-                       asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
-                                    : "=a" (__tmp), "=d" (__edx),      \
-                                      "=c" (__ecx)                     \
-                                    : paravirt_type(__op),             \
-                                      paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)       \
-                                    : "memory", "cc");                 \
-                       __ret = (__rettype)__tmp;                       \
-               }                                                       \
-               __ret;                                                  \
-       })
-#define PVOP_VCALL0(__op)                                              \
+#define __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, pre, post, ...)                       \
        ({                                                              \
+               rettype __ret;                                          \
                unsigned long __eax, __edx, __ecx;                      \
-               asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)                \
-                            : "=a" (__eax), "=d" (__edx), "=c" (__ecx) \
-                            : paravirt_type(__op),                     \
-                              paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)               \
-                            : "memory", "cc");                         \
-       })
-#define PVOP_CALL1(__rettype, __op, arg1)                              \
-       ({                                                              \
-               __rettype __ret;                                        \
-               if (sizeof(__rettype) > sizeof(unsigned long)) {        \
-                       unsigned long long __tmp;                       \
-                       unsigned long __ecx;                            \
-                       asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
-                                    : "=A" (__tmp), "=c" (__ecx)       \
-                                    : "a" ((u32)(arg1)),               \
-                                      paravirt_type(__op),             \
-                                      paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)       \
-                                    : "memory", "cc");                 \
-                       __ret = (__rettype)__tmp;                       \
-               } else {                                                \
-                       unsigned long __tmp, __edx, __ecx;              \
-                       asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
-                                    : "=a" (__tmp), "=d" (__edx),      \
-                                      "=c" (__ecx)                     \
-                                    : "0" ((u32)(arg1)),               \
-                                      paravirt_type(__op),             \
-                                      paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)       \
-                                    : "memory", "cc");                 \
-                       __ret = (__rettype)__tmp;                       \
-               }                                                       \
-               __ret;                                                  \
-       })
-#define PVOP_VCALL1(__op, arg1)                                                
-       ({                                                              \
-               unsigned long __eax, __edx, __ecx;                      \
-               asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)                \
-                            : "=a" (__eax), "=d" (__edx), "=c" (__ecx) \
-                            : "0" ((u32)(arg1)),                       \
-                              paravirt_type(__op),                     \
-                              paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)               \
-                            : "memory", "cc");                         \
-       })
-#define PVOP_CALL2(__rettype, __op, arg1, arg2)                                
-       ({                                                              \
-               __rettype __ret;                                        \
-               if (sizeof(__rettype) > sizeof(unsigned long)) {        \
-                       unsigned long long __tmp;                       \
-                       unsigned long __ecx;                            \
-                       asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
-                                    : "=A" (__tmp), "=c" (__ecx)       \
-                                    : "a" ((u32)(arg1)),               \
-                                      "d" ((u32)(arg2)),               \
-                                      paravirt_type(__op),             \
-                                      paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)       \
-                                    : "memory", "cc");                 \
-                       __ret = (__rettype)__tmp;                       \
-               } else {                                                \
-                       unsigned long __tmp, __edx, __ecx;              \
-                       asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
-                                    : "=a" (__tmp), "=d" (__edx),      \
-                                      "=c" (__ecx)                     \
-                                    : "0" ((u32)(arg1)),               \
-                                      "1" ((u32)(arg2)),               \
-                                      paravirt_type(__op),             \
-                                      paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)       \
-                                    : "memory", "cc");                 \
-                       __ret = (__rettype)__tmp;                       \
-               }                                                       \
-               __ret;                                                  \
-       })
-#define PVOP_VCALL2(__op, arg1, arg2)                                  \
-       ({                                                              \
-               unsigned long __eax, __edx, __ecx;                      \
-               asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)                \
-                            : "=a" (__eax), "=d" (__edx), "=c" (__ecx) \
-                            : "0" ((u32)(arg1)),                       \
-                              "1" ((u32)(arg2)),                       \
-                              paravirt_type(__op),                     \
-                              paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)               \
-                            : "memory", "cc");                         \
-       })
-#define PVOP_CALL3(__rettype, __op, arg1, arg2, arg3)                  \
-       ({                                                              \
-               __rettype __ret;                                        \
-               if (sizeof(__rettype) > sizeof(unsigned long)) {        \
-                       unsigned long long __tmp;                       \
-                       unsigned long __ecx;                            \
-                       asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
-                                    : "=A" (__tmp), "=c" (__ecx)       \
-                                    : "a" ((u32)(arg1)),               \
-                                      "d" ((u32)(arg2)),               \
-                                      "1" ((u32)(arg3)),               \
-                                      paravirt_type(__op),             \
-                                      paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)       \
-                                    : "memory", "cc");                 \
-                       __ret = (__rettype)__tmp;                       \
-               } else {                                                \
-                       unsigned long __tmp, __edx, __ecx;      \
-                       asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
-                                    : "=a" (__tmp), "=d" (__edx),      \
+               if (sizeof(rettype) > sizeof(unsigned long)) {          \
+                       asm volatile(pre                                \
+                                    paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
+                                    post                               \
+                                    : "=a" (__eax), "=d" (__edx),      \
                                       "=c" (__ecx)                     \
-                                    : "0" ((u32)(arg1)),               \
-                                      "1" ((u32)(arg2)),               \
-                                      "2" ((u32)(arg3)),               \
-                                      paravirt_type(__op),             \
-                                      paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)       \
+                                    : paravirt_type(op),               \
+                                      paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY),      \
+                                      ##__VA_ARGS__                    \
                                     : "memory", "cc");                 \
-                       __ret = (__rettype)__tmp;                       \
-               }                                                       \
-               __ret;                                                  \
-       })
-#define PVOP_VCALL3(__op, arg1, arg2, arg3)                            \
-       ({                                                              \
-               unsigned long __eax, __edx, __ecx;                      \
-               asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)                \
-                            : "=a" (__eax), "=d" (__edx), "=c" (__ecx) \
-                            : "0" ((u32)(arg1)),                       \
-                              "1" ((u32)(arg2)),                       \
-                              "2" ((u32)(arg3)),                       \
-                              paravirt_type(__op),                     \
-                              paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)               \
-                            : "memory", "cc");                         \
-       })
-#define PVOP_CALL4(__rettype, __op, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)            \
-       ({                                                              \
-               __rettype __ret;                                        \
-               if (sizeof(__rettype) > sizeof(unsigned long)) {        \
-                       unsigned long long __tmp;                       \
-                       unsigned long __ecx;                            \
-                       asm volatile("push %[_arg4]; "                  \
-                                    paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
-                                    "lea 4(%%esp),%%esp"               \
-                                    : "=A" (__tmp), "=c" (__ecx)       \
-                                    : "a" ((u32)(arg1)),               \
-                                      "d" ((u32)(arg2)),               \
-                                      "1" ((u32)(arg3)),               \
-                                      [_arg4] "mr" ((u32)(arg4)),      \
-                                      paravirt_type(__op),             \
-                                      paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)       \
-                                    : "memory", "cc",);                \
-                       __ret = (__rettype)__tmp;                       \
+                       __ret = (rettype)((((u64)__edx) << 32) | __eax); \
                } else {                                                \
-                       unsigned long __tmp, __edx, __ecx;              \
-                       asm volatile("push %[_arg4]; "                  \
+                       asm volatile(pre                                \
                                     paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
-                                    "lea 4(%%esp),%%esp"               \
-                                    : "=a" (__tmp), "=d" (__edx), "=c" (__ecx) 
-                                    : "0" ((u32)(arg1)),               \
-                                      "1" ((u32)(arg2)),               \
-                                      "2" ((u32)(arg3)),               \
-                                      [_arg4]"mr" ((u32)(arg4)),       \
-                                      paravirt_type(__op),             \
-                                      paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)       \
+                                    post                               \
+                                    : "=a" (__eax), "=d" (__edx),      \
+                                      "=c" (__ecx)                     \
+                                    : paravirt_type(op),               \
+                                      paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY),      \
+                                      ##__VA_ARGS__                    \
                                     : "memory", "cc");                 \
-                       __ret = (__rettype)__tmp;                       \
+                       __ret = (rettype)__eax;                         \
                }                                                       \
                __ret;                                                  \
-#define PVOP_VCALL4(__op, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)                      \
+#define __PVOP_VCALL(op, pre, post, ...)                               \
        ({                                                              \
                unsigned long __eax, __edx, __ecx;                      \
-               asm volatile("push %[_arg4]; "                          \
+               asm volatile(pre                                        \
                             paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)                \
-                            "lea 4(%%esp),%%esp"                       \
+                            post                                       \
                             : "=a" (__eax), "=d" (__edx), "=c" (__ecx) \
-                            : "0" ((u32)(arg1)),                       \
-                              "1" ((u32)(arg2)),                       \
-                              "2" ((u32)(arg3)),                       \
-                              [_arg4]"mr" ((u32)(arg4)),               \
-                              paravirt_type(__op),                     \
-                              paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY)               \
+                            : paravirt_type(op),                       \
+                              paravirt_clobber(CLBR_ANY),              \
+                              ##__VA_ARGS__                            \
                             : "memory", "cc");                         \
+#define PVOP_CALL0(rettype, op)                                                
+       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, "", "")
+#define PVOP_VCALL0(op)                                                        
+       __PVOP_VCALL(op, "", "")
+#define PVOP_CALL1(rettype, op, arg1)                                  \
+       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, "", "", "0" ((u32)(arg1)))
+#define PVOP_VCALL1(op, arg1)                                          \
+       __PVOP_VCALL(op, "", "", "0" ((u32)(arg1)))
+#define PVOP_CALL2(rettype, op, arg1, arg2)                            \
+       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, "", "", "0" ((u32)(arg1)), "1" ((u32)(arg2)))
+#define PVOP_VCALL2(op, arg1, arg2)                                    \
+       __PVOP_VCALL(op, "", "", "0" ((u32)(arg1)), "1" ((u32)(arg2)))
+#define PVOP_CALL3(rettype, op, arg1, arg2, arg3)                      \
+       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, "", "", "0" ((u32)(arg1)),             \
+                   "1"((u32)(arg2)), "2"((u32)(arg3)))
+#define PVOP_VCALL3(op, arg1, arg2, arg3)                              \
+       __PVOP_VCALL(op, "", "", "0" ((u32)(arg1)), "1"((u32)(arg2)),   \
+                    "2"((u32)(arg3)))
+#define PVOP_CALL4(rettype, op, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)                        
+       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op,                                        \
+                   "push %[_arg4];", "lea 4(%%esp),%%esp;",            \
+                   "0" ((u32)(arg1)), "1" ((u32)(arg2)),               \
+                   "2" ((u32)(arg3)), [_arg4] "mr" ((u32)(arg4)))
+#define PVOP_VCALL4(op, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)                                
+       __PVOP_VCALL(op,                                                \
+                   "push %[_arg4];", "lea 4(%%esp),%%esp;",            \
+                   "0" ((u32)(arg1)), "1" ((u32)(arg2)),               \
+                   "2" ((u32)(arg3)), [_arg4] "mr" ((u32)(arg4)))
 static inline int paravirt_enabled(void)
        return paravirt_ops.paravirt_enabled;
@@ -1162,6 +1032,8 @@ static inline unsigned long __raw_local_
 /* Make sure as little as possible of this mess escapes. */
+#undef __PVOP_CALL
+#undef __PVOP_VCALL
 #undef PVOP_VCALL0
 #undef PVOP_CALL0
 #undef PVOP_VCALL1
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